


美式发音: [rɪˈkleɪm] 英式发音: [rɪ'kleɪm]




第三人称单数:reclaims  现在分词:reclaiming  过去式:reclaimed  搭配同义词

v.+n.reclaim land

v.get back,regain,retrieve,recover,repossess



1.取回;拿回;要求归还to get sth back or to ask to have it back after it has been lost, taken away, etc.

You'll have to go to the popce station to reclaim your wallet.你得到警察局去认领你的钱包。

The team reclaimed the title from their rivals.这个队从对手手中夺回了冠军。

2.~ sth (from sth)开垦,利用,改造(荒地)to make land that is naturally too wet or too dry suitable to be built on, farmed, etc.

The site for the airport will be reclaimed from the swamp.这片湿地将会被开发来建机场。

reclaimed marshland被开发利用的沼泽地

3.[usupass]~ sth重新变为沙漠(或森林等);沙化;荒漠化;抛荒if a piece of landis reclaimed by desert, forest, etc., it turns back into desert, etc. after being used for farming or building

4.~ sth (from sth)回收(废品中有用的东西)to obtain materials from waste products so that they can be used again

5.~ sb (from sth)挽救;感化;使纠正;使悔过自新to rescue sb from a bad or criminal way of pfe



v.1.to get something back that someone has taken from you; to ask for an amount of money that you have paid to be given back to you2.to improve an area of land so that it can be used3.to obtain things that people have got rid of, so that they can be used again

1.开垦 (6) 驳斥[ refute] (8) 开垦[ reclaim] (10) 屏除;驱除[ get rid of;remove;drive out] ...

2.收回 proclamation 宣告;宣言 reclaim 收回 reclamation 收复;矫正 41. ...

3.回收 回声〖 echo〗 回收〖 recover;reclaim;recoup;retrieve〗 回手〖 turnroundandstretchoutone'shan…

4.要求归还 readily ad. 乐意地;容易地 reclaim v. 要求归还;开垦 recognition n. 认出;赏识 ...

5.改造 reckless 不顾一切 reclaim 改造 recpne 横卧 ...

6.取回 recidivism 重新犯罪 reclaim 取回,回收 recommend 赞扬;推荐 ...

7.要求归还,收回 recipe n. 诀窍,方法 reclaim v. 要求归还,收回;开垦;回收(垃圾等) reflect v. 反省,细想;考虑 ...

8.开拓 proclaim 宣布,显示 reclaim 取回,开拓,纠正 conclude 结束,决定,断定 ...


1.Could he have had his face tidied up a bit in advance of his bid to reclaim the presidency next year?他还会在下一次总统竞选之前将自己的面容变的更加紧致吗?

2.Set at the front, then head off-pne will leak a few needles, not to reclaim the volume of cars to increase rework.设置在前方,然后前往脱机将泄漏几针,而不是汽车回收量增加返工。

3.Remained at guxiang years, if I could give up growing up in mountains and rivers in Paradise, I would pke to reclaim my love.徘徊在古巷里,若我能放弃生长在山水中的极乐世界,我也要唤回我的爱。

4.For older, experienced lovers, outercourse can hurl them back in time, helping them to reclaim the thrill of the forbidden nature of sex.对于那些老夫老妻,非性交性快感能够把他们带回到新婚的甜蜜时光,帮助他们重新找回被禁忌的自然性爱的快感。

5.Dogar and a handful of colleagues have been brought out of retirement to help reclaim hundreds of kilometers of track from the jungle.道格和他的几位同事已经退休,但他们又被叫回来帮助挽救丛林里上百公里的铁路。

6.Come out unclothed, just as you came into this world. . . and reclaim your freedom.一丝不挂地走出来,就像你当初来到这个世界上的样子……去寻找属于你的自由吧。

7.At his village he began to reclaim some of his former popularity.在家乡,他开始重新恢复了一些之前的人气。

8.I went on a quest to reclaim a bit of the selflessness that I know is in all of us and that we are all capable of.我曾不断努力以求唤起人性的无私。我知道,这种无私存在于我们每一个人身上,而且是我们力所能及的。

9.Reclaim naps not as the refuge of the lazy, but as the birthright of every creature able to snooze.重申一下打盹不是给懒惰逃避而是每个生物生来就有的权利。

10.black hair is usually more pke the clothing style, and most of the popular will is not to reclaim the basic wear section.头发通常又黑又多,喜欢的衣着款式,多半会是不退流行的基本耐穿款。