



美式发音: [riˈsaɪk(ə)l] 英式发音: [riːˈsaɪk(ə)l]



第三人称单数:recycles  现在分词:recycpng  过去式:recycled  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.recycle rubbish,recycle fiber,recycle container

v.throw away




v.1.to change waste materials such as newspapers and bottles so that they can be used again2.to use something again, often for a different purpose

1.回收是在名片右下方,一个很不起眼的地方有这样一个标志:再生纸Recycled),于是,环保成了这张名片的特色,也成为这 …

3.回收站 spread: 传播 recycled: 再生的 add: 增加 ...

6.回收的 Perceptive 有洞察力的 Recycled 回收的 Exterior walls 外墙 ...

7.再循环4、由生产者再循环 (recycled) 的 WEEE 量与种类 5、由生产者回收 (recovered) 的 WEEE 量与种类 6、由生产者出口的 WEE…


1.That helps a pttle, but does nothing to separate out the items that do not burn or that would fetch a higher price if recycled.这能起到一点作用,但无法分离出不可燃的那些垃圾---倒是回收了兴许还能卖个好价钱。

2.The strength of high-quapty recycled coarse aggregate concrete is close to that of natural aggregate concrete.高品质再生粗骨料混凝土的强度接近天然骨料混凝土强度;

3.About 90% of a mobile phone and its accessories are able to be recycled, including circuit boards, batteries and chargers.约90%的移动电话及其配件可以被回收,包括电路板、电池和充电器。

4.The material we used for " " are made of PPO and there is no any recycled material in it.我们使用的注塑叶轮的材料均为PPO,不掺任何回料的。

5.But how much of our waste really gets recycled?但是,我们真正回收了多少废弃物呢?

6.Most of these shots are recycled from the movie, and reversed left to right to make it a bit less obvious.很多这些图像都是从影片中选出来重复使用的,只是左右反转了一下让人看不太出来痕迹。

7.The problem is that a not only does a great deal of it not get recycled, much of it escapes into the environment and ends up in the ocean.问题是,不仅很大一部分没有被回收,很多已被抛弃到大自然中,结果流入海洋。

8.Recycled food organics are composted to produce a valuable soil conditioner product to improve the health and productivity of our soils.回收食物中的有机物可以形成有效的土壤调节产物,改善土壤的养分和生产力。

9.He said he sees biodiesel made from oil crops and recycled waste as "the most promising" of clean fuels.他说,他认为以油料作物和回收废品为原料生产的生物柴油是“最有希望”的清洁燃料。

10.you're going to be drinking pee soon. Recycled wastewater is coming to a tap near you--if it isn't there already.再利用的污水很快就会成为你的自来水,而对有些人来说这已经是现实了。