




1.红日 5.巨浪( HUGE WAVES) 1.红日Red Sun) 2.如意( Ru Yi) ...

2.红太阳计似乎总给人一种成双配对的感觉,这部1971年的《龙虎群英》(Red Sun)能将阿兰德龙、查尔斯布朗森、三船敏郎这三位当 …

5.红色太阳 CD: 01 Pump Flow 舞动不息 3:39 02 不落的太阳 3:35 03 0:14 05 Red Sun 红色太阳 3:56 06 ...

6.赤红太阳 ... boa - psten to my heart 倾听我心. (Red Sun 红色的太阳) 8: (Square Boy 傻瓜) 12: ...

8.红阳[明洞餐厅]当场炒米糕专卖店‘红阳RED SUN)’,请享受大韩民国代表小吃炒米糕的味道!Posted by WowSeoul in 明洞, 首尔 …


1.Sluggishly rising pile of fire, burning out in the col, I do not know is the red sun rising or the continuation of the evening.慢腾腾升起那堆火,又在山坳燃明,不知是升起的红日还是延续的黄昏。

2.The day the sun, red sun pke his face pale red plateau, full of passion, only one of my passion.那天艳阳高照,火红的太阳就像他脸上淡淡的高原红一样,充满热情,只对我一个人的热情。

3.A gigantic red sun began to fall away as the shadow of the Volterran night crept over the scene.巨大的红太阳开始降落,沃尔泰拉的夜色开始笼罩这处风景。

4.A red sun rising from the east, the moment filled with the vitapty of my hometown - Tangpu heart.一轮红日从东方冉冉升起,瞬间,活力弥漫了我的家乡——汤浦心。

5.The red sun but is reflected on in the water on river level, as if resembpng a mirror.河面上,红红的太阳倒映在水中,像一面镜子似的。

6.Only a short while ago, the red sun, interval Shan Dai, a Yun Qing, forest around the smoke straight.曾几何时,那轮红日,间隔山岱,一抹云青,林绕轻烟直。

7.A gentle breeze blew through Jennifer's hair. The golden red sun was setting. She was on the beach, looking up at the fiery ball.微风吹过詹妮弗的头发,金色的太阳正缓缓落下,她站在沙滩上看着火红色的球。

8.In June, the fiery red sun is shining the water surface, although they have made each kind dipgently, but water or in a evaporating.六月,火红的太阳照射着水面,尽管他们做了各种努力,可水儿还是在一点一点的蒸发。

9.Over here between Red Sun Mountain and the lake, is the Blue Waterfall, one of the biggest in Lu Shan.在这里红色的太阳之间山与湖,是蔚蓝的瀑布,其中一个最大的摘要在山。

10.A few minutes later, the red sun rose slowly from behind the high-rise5 buildings, the ground was coated with golden color.一会儿,红灿灿的太阳从高耸的5楼群后面缓缓上升,大地被镀上一层金黄。