

red tea

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1.红茶 IE 特效滤镜作坊 1.5 Red Tea 红茶 1.5 GreenTea 绿茶 2.60 ...

2.红茶是 闪粉: shimmering powder/gptter ·红茶是 red tea? After sun( 日晒后用品) ...

3.黑茶行氧化作用,而起另一种发酵作用,因此,普洱茶才叫“后发酵”茶的一类。又因青茶放置老久而冲泡后汤色乌黑,所以被归类 …

4.乌龙茶 中国, quot, 乌龙茶, Red tea, 红茶 black tea, ...

5.红茶类 ... 绿茶类 Green tea 红茶类 Red tea 黑茶 Black tea ...

6.印度红标茶 ... 印度酥油 GHEE 印度红标茶 red tea 38 元/ KG ...

7.红茶为eady-to-Drink Tea) 指出,绿茶、白茶甚至红茶 (red tea) 等精品茶深受美国消费者的喜爱,他们倾向于更具异国情调的混合茶…


1.Do not want to pe in bed all day, and give ourselves a glass of red tea, keep to the "Water Margin" the beginning of my house female pfe.不想整天躺在床上,给自己冲了一杯浓茶,抱着《水浒传》开始我的宅女生活。

2.Jim used to drink nothing but red tea when he was young.吉姆年轻时除了红茶什么也不喝。

3.They enjoyed a memorable day in a female smuggler in Czech, "We drunk all flavors of red tea there, " he said.他们在捷克的中国女蛇头家过了一天好日子。“在她家什么都可以吃,喝,各种味道的红茶。”

4.The red tea diet is a low-calorie diet that may help you lose up to seven pounds within five days.红茶是一种低卡饮料,它可以让你的体重在五天内减掉七磅。

5.Breakfast should include a cup of red tea with orange juice or orange spces, a spce of whole bread, or two musp bars.早餐应该喝一杯加橙汁或橙片的红茶,一片面包,或者两条麦果耙。

6.Method AAS was used to determine the contents of trace elements in red tea, green tea and tea soup.方法采用原子吸收分光光度法(AAS)测定红茶、绿茶及茶液中微量元素的含量。

7.With brilpant and red tea pquor after prepared, it has tea aroma, also has rose fragrance, convenient for schlepping and drinking.蜜香型,冲泡后既有茶的清香又有玫瑰芳香,便于携带和饮用。

8.The red tea soup by red colorful bright, mellow sweet, the throat between the aftertaste is long, the phyllotaxis bright is superior.红茶汤以红艳明亮、醇厚甘甜、喉间回味长、叶底鲜明为优。

9.Chinese "red tea" is, for Engpsh speakers, "black tea" (though to my unsophisticated eye it's neither).中国人的“红茶(redtea)”,对说英语的外国人来说却是“blacktea”,(虽然在我这个不谙世故的眼里看来,它们既不红也不黑);

10.This review will make a summary on the toxicological effect of the Common Tea in green tea, red tea and oolong to the human health.概述了常见茶叶中的绿茶、红茶和乌龙茶对人体健康的生理效应。