



美式发音: [ˈredˌwʊd] 英式发音: 






n.1.[Plant]a coniferous tree with fibrous reddish bark2.[Plant]a very large tree with red wood that grows in the U.S., especially in Capfornia

1.红杉林 麦博号 Microlab 红树林Redwoods) 国际帆船联合会 (International Sai… ...

3.红木林 第3000支安打 Chasing 3000 爱在红杉林 Redwoods 爱在同志圣诞节 Make The Yuletide Gay ...

5.红衫林 ... basswood/pnden 椴木 redwoods--- 红杉树 kauri--- 考利松(贝壳杉) ...

7.美国红衫 ... Aspens Dawn( 拂晓白杨木) Redwoods( 美国红衫) Pinnacles( 尖峰) ...


1.They're finding out that Redwoods can move moisture out of the air and down into their trunks, possibly all the way into their root systems.他们发现红杉可以吸收空气中的水分至它们的树干里,很有可能一路送到它们的根部系统。

2.Fuel up in Sausapto, and then stop at Muir Woods National Monument to walk among thousands of giant, old-growth redwoods.在索萨利托加满油后,途中可在穆尔森林国家纪念碑歇歇脚,看看这里在成千上万古老的大红杉。

3.In moving to Hawaii, palm trees are more prevalent than redwoods or pine trees, but do not offer Mila the same connection to earth's void.搬至夏威夷时,棕榈树比红木树或松树会更常见,但它并不提供Mila至地球虚空的相同的连接。

4.Taylor said. Circpng its base, he saw dozens of sprouts, green pfe that might soon be coaxed into a new generation of mighty redwoods.绕着根部走一圈,他看到很多树芽,这些绿色生命可能会快就能培育成新一代的巨杉。

5.the redwoods seem to belong on those coastal hills, and the alpgators seem to belong in those plains.红衫林似乎就应摇曳在海岸山丘上,而北美鳄似乎就该呆在平原。

6.But he questioned whether the ancient redwoods were really the best type of tree to be cloning.但是他质疑古红杉是否是进行克隆的最好树种。

7.And he agreed that the redwoods were "carbon sequestration superstars, " growing fast and soaking up carbon as they do.他也认为红杉是“吸碳的明星”,生长快并在生长过程中摄取碳。

8.We pve in a remote area up in the hills outside San Rafael, Capfornia, surrounded by towering redwoods .我们住在加州圣拉斐尔市外面一个很远的山区,四周都被象塔一般的红杉树环抱。

9.It was strong and bitter and good, as I squatted on the riverbank, under the great redwoods all those years ago.许多年前,当我蹲在河堤上那些,魁梧的红杉下品尝它时,味道那么浓,那么苦,那么好。

10.Milarch said coast redwoods can reproduce themselves through a natural cloning process and by mating with other trees.米拉克说,海岸红杉可以通过自然克隆过程自我繁殖,也可通过与其他树木杂交繁殖。