


美式发音: [rɪˈfɜr] 英式发音: [rɪˈfɜː(r)]



过去式:referred  第三人称单数:refers  现在分词:referring  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.refer matter,refer case,refer patient,refer question,refer dispute


v.mention,denote,talk about,bring up,signify


v.1.把某人叫做 (as),将...归因于...,认为,是起因于[由于]...,将...归入,认为,属于(某物,某类,某地,某人,某时代等) (to)2.把...提交,交付,委托,付托(事件,问题等)(to)3.叫...去打听,叫某人参看,叫某人查询,叫某人注意 (to);叫...到某处或某人处 (to),查询某事 (for);让...过目,使...参看;使...注意(事实等) (to)4.借助,参考,参看,引证,引用;翻阅,查看(账簿等) (to)5.有关系,涉及 (to) 说到,提到;打听,查询〔特别是品行,能力等〕 (to)6.使注意,指点,指示1.把某人叫做 (as),将...归因于...,认为,是起因于[由于]...,将...归入,认为,属于(某物,某类,某地,某人,某时代等) (to)2.把...提交,交付,委托,付托(事件,问题等)(to)3.叫...去打听,叫某人参看,叫某人查询,叫某人注意 (to);叫...到某处或某人处 (to),查询某事 (for);让...过目,使...参看;使...注意(事实等) (to)4.借助,参考,参看,引证,引用;翻阅,查看(账簿等) (to)5.有关系,涉及 (to) 说到,提到;打听,查询〔特别是品行,能力等〕 (to)6.使注意,指点,指示

v.1.to make a comment in speech or writing that either specifically mentions somebody or something or is intended to bring somebody or something to mind2.to describe somebody or something3.to relate to or be connected with something4.to direct somebody to something or somebody else for information, help, treatment, or judgment5.to consult a source in order to find information or assistance6.to attribute the cause or source of something to something else7.send,take,hand over(to,back to)to be dealt with;decided,etc.8.hand over;submit9.(of a speaker,what is said,etc.)speak of;allude to;apply to1.to make a comment in speech or writing that either specifically mentions somebody or something or is intended to bring somebody or something to mind2.to describe somebody or something3.to relate to or be connected with something4.to direct somebody to something or somebody else for information, help, treatment, or judgment5.to consult a source in order to find information or assistance6.to attribute the cause or source of something to something else7.send,take,hand over(to,back to)to be dealt with;decided,etc.8.hand over;submit9.(of a speaker,what is said,etc.)speak of;allude to;apply to

1.参考 offer 提供 refer 提及,参考 defer 搁置 ...

2.提到 proffer v 提供;贡献 refer v 提到;指点 referable a 可归因于…的 ...

3.涉及 defer v. 延期,尊敬 refer v. 提及,涉及 suffer v. 受苦,经受 ...

4.查阅 owe to 归因于,归咎于 refer 查阅 reference 典故,参考书 ...

5.谈及 re-entrant 凹入的 refer 指,涉及,谈及 reference 参照,参考 ...

6.引用 reel off 退绕 refer 参考,引用 reference diode 稳压二极管 ...

7.有关 make use of 利用 refer vi 谈到;提到;涉及;有关 refer to 谈到;提到;涉及;有关 ...

8.查询 ideal adj. 理想的;完美的 refer vt. 提到;说到;查询 refer to 提到;查询 ...


1.It also urges that, if the experts are not satisfied, the Security Council should refer the matter to the ICC prosecutor.代表团还表示,如果专家组不满意,安理会应该将此事提交到国际刑事法庭检察院。

2.For detailed information about privacy and the handpng of your personal data refer to the general privacy statement of this website .如果要了解有关隐私和个人资料处理方面的详细信息,请参阅本网站的一般隐私声明。

3.If you take action against abuse, you want to be able to refer to the clauses in terms of use that support your action.如果对滥用信息采取操作,您需要能够参考支持操作的使用条款。

4.Diversity training has existed for quite a while in some form or another, although different labels were used to refer to it.多元化培训已经以一种形式或另一种形式存在很久了,尽管冠以的名称不同。

5.Convenience store chains, wary of anti-smoking sentiment, have been reluctant to refer pubpcly to the windfall nature of their sales boost.对反烟情绪十分谨慎的便民连锁店一直不愿意公开提及它们销售增长的本质是意外之财。

6.The secret to which I refer cannot be had without a price, although the price is far less than its value.我提出的这个秘诀,是要付出代价才能取得的,但是它物超所值太多了。

7.Indeed, not even the Soviet Union adopted Pinyin, but continued to refer to China's capital as Peking and its leader as Mao Tse-tung.事实上,甚至前苏联也不曾接受过拼音,而是继续将北京称作“Beijing”,将毛泽东称作“MaoTse-tung”。

8.the doctrine, it will suspend consideration of the disputed issue and refer the matter to the agency for an initial determination.如果法院选择援引此理论,它将中止考虑争议的问题,并将问题提交有关机关作出初步裁定。

9.Your doctor also may be able to direct you to weight-loss support groups or refer you to a registered dietitian.医生也可能会向你推荐减肥自助小组和营养师。

10.We shall have no alternative but refer the matter to our lawyer.我方除了将此事提交我方律师解决外,别无他法。