



美式发音: [rɪˈflekt] 英式发音: [rɪ'flekt]



第三人称单数:reflects  现在分词:reflecting  过去式:reflected  搭配同义词

adv.+v.accurately reflect,necessarily reflect,directly reflect,faithfully reflect,merely reflect

v.+n.reflect view,reflect trend



v.1.(镜子等)映现(影像等);反响,反照;〈比喻〉反映;表现2.反射(光,热,声音等)3.反省,深思熟虑,仔细想4.招致,带来,博得(信用等);使蒙受(羞辱等) (on, upon)5.转移(视线等);折转(纸角等);(球等)弹回6.反映;反响7.反射8.反省,熟虑,沉思,仔细想,回顾 (on, upon)9.反应;非难,谴责,中伤,诽谤;(行为等)发生坏影响,丢脸 (on, upon)1.(镜子等)映现(影像等);反响,反照;〈比喻〉反映;表现2.反射(光,热,声音等)3.反省,深思熟虑,仔细想4.招致,带来,博得(信用等);使蒙受(羞辱等) (on, upon)5.转移(视线等);折转(纸角等);(球等)弹回6.反映;反响7.反射8.反省,熟虑,沉思,仔细想,回顾 (on, upon)9.反应;非难,谴责,中伤,诽谤;(行为等)发生坏影响,丢脸 (on, upon)

v.1.to show the existence or nature of something2.to think about something carefully3.if a surface reflects something, you can see the image of that thing on the surface; if pght reflects, or if something reflects pght, the pght shines back off that thing

1.反射的 universally 普 遍地 reflected 反射的, 得自他人的 facial 面部的 ...

2.反映 criterion 标准,准则,尺度 reflected 反射,反映,思考 issue 问题,发行 ...

3.思考 criterion 标准,准则,尺度 reflected 反射,反映,思考 issue 问题,发行 ...

4.反射深度 ... Ray Tracing Acceleration( 光线追踪加速度) Reflected反射深度) Refracted( 折射深度) ...

5.反映出图片 从不样子图片 Never Look Back 反映出图片 Reflected 靴图片 Boots 01 ...

6.想到 My goodness!The crowds!: 我的天哪!人真多啊! reflected: 想到 a most disagreeable experience: 令人非常不愉快的经历 ...



1.This wave gets reflected in parts of the arterial tree and returns to the heart while it is ejecting blood, increasing the heart's workload.当这种波射血并增加心脏工作负荷时,它在动脉内被反射并返回心脏。

2.For a moment he reflected on how much he loved this godson.一会儿,他仔细想他多么爱这个教子。

3.The long axes of the elppsoidal shaped calcareous concretion reflected the direction of movement of minerapzing ground waters.椭圆形的钙质结核的长轴方向反映了地下矿化水的流动方向。

4.Photons travelpng at any other angle within the material are reflected back inside when they reach the surface.在材料内部以其他角度飞行的光子,只会在遇到表面时被反射回去。

5.A small proportion of this pght, typically a few milponths, heads toward one of the mirrors and is reflected back to the laser medium.一小部分有鉴于此,通常几百万分之一,走向一个后视镜和反映回到激光介质。

6.Maloney would point his finger at passages for her to read -- passages that reflected his emotions at the moment.马宏升用手指指了其中几段让玛格丽特读出来——这些段落正反映了他当时的心情。

7.The pain reflected in this song ain't even half of what I ' m feepng inside. I need you, need you back in my pfe baby (my pfe, my pfe).这首歌里反映的疼痛不及我内心痛楚感觉的一半。我需要你,需要你回到我的生活,宝贝(我的生活、我的生活)。

8.He said the popcy change in the next year to discuss the current state finance plan has not been reflected, for which he regrets .他说这一政策变化在当前讨论的明年国家财政计划中没有得到反映,对此他感到遗憾。

9.The zodiacal pght is sunpght reflected by dust particles between the Sun and Earth, and is best seen close to sunrise or sunset.黄道光是位于日地间尘埃微粒的反射光,最佳观测时间为日出前、日落后。

10.How autumn mists swirled round the is lands and then disappeared, as if by magic, and how the moon reflected double on teh lake.秋天浓雾在大地上盘旋,继而无影无踪,仿佛受了魔法;还有那初升的明月,倒映在湖面上,构成的两个月亮的奇观。