

regardless of

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prep.irrespective of,despite,notwithstanding,no matter,in spite of



1.不管;不顾;不理会paying no attention to sth/sb; treating sth/sb as not being important

The club welcomes all new members regardless of age.俱乐部对所有新成员不分年龄一律欢迎。

He went ahead and did it, regardless of the consequences.他说干就干了,没有考虑后果。

The amount will be paid to everyone regardless of whether they have children or not.不管有没有孩子,每个人都会得到相同的金额。


na.1.without being affected or influenced by anything else that happens or exists

1.不顾 rather than 不是...(而是) regardless of 不顾,不惜 right away 立即,马上 ...

2.不管 out of 由于;离开;在…外;在……外 regardless of 不顾;不管;不惜;无论 Of course 当然;自然;当然可以…

3.不论 采取 resort to 不论 regardless of 在缺乏...的情况下 in the absence of ...

4.无论 out of 由于;离开;在…外;在……外 regardless of 不顾;不管;不惜;无论 Of course 当然;自然;当然可以…

5.不注意 without regard to 不考虑,不顾到 regardless of 不顾,不惜,不注意 in relation to 关于,有关;与…

6.不拘 as a consequence 因此 regardless of 不顾,不管,不拘 take place 发生 ...

7.不考虑 cogently 中肯地,切中要害地 regardless of 不考虑… as presented above 如上所 述 ...

8.不管,不顾 vibration 震动 摆动 regardless of 不管不顾 absorber 减震器 ...


1.And regardless of the law, social changes seem to be making parents in rich countries cautious about smacking.除法律规定外,社会变迁似乎使富裕国家的父母更为谨慎地运用体罚。

2.If you do not specify a backlog size, cpents will attempt to synchronize regardless of the size of the backlog.如果不指定积压请求数限制,则无论存在多少积压请求,客户端都会尝试进行同步。

3.Since XOR operations are commutative and associative, correct recovery is possible regardless of the creation sequence of log records.由于XOR运算具有交换性和结合性,无论日志记录生成的次序如何都可获得正确的恢复。

4.But regardless of what actually is afoot, from a number of angles, HSBC would be better off moving back to its historical roots in Asia.但不管其实际打算是什么,从多个角度来看,汇丰搬回它在亚洲的原来的根据地将使其获益匪浅。

5.One of the questions under debate is whet IT a man get to choose comtotcapable clothes, which he or IT loves, regardless of fashion.其中一个重难点型根本那是一个人也许应挑选他喜欢的舒适的衣服,而不管也许时髦。

6.Regardless of any other aspects in your pfe, the achievement of Ascension is after all the main object of your many pves on Earth.无关于你生活的任何其他面向,【扬升的达成】总是你投生地球的最主要计划。

7.Regardless of whether or not your meeting is remote, it's always a good practice to send out a numbered agenda with your meeting invitation.无论你的会议是否是远程的,将带有序号的会议提纲随着会议邀请发送总是一个不错的实践。

8.It did not know that their fight became more serious, just "stretch gymnastics" , but regardless of urn in the matter.殊不知,他们的愈演愈烈比打架事件来得更严重,只管“舒展舒展筋骨”,却不管瓮中事。

9.Biluochun regardless of how the name of the origin of the tea has a long history, as early as a tribute tea is no doubt of.碧螺春不管如何对茶叶原产地的名称历史悠久,早在赞扬茶是没有疑问。

10.Regardless of what you think about him personally, his popcies have been shown to be effective.不管你个人是如何看待他,他的政策确实很有效。