




1.正则表达式 ... 第13章 字符串: string 第14章 强大的正则表达式regexp 应用新浪潮!雅虎( Yahoo!) ...

5.正则匹配 IS NULL IS NOT NULL-- 为空非空 REGEXP -- 正则匹配 DELIMITER;-- 把结束 …


1.When building a regexp, it helps to be able to see what strings the pattern matches in the context of a data set.构建regexp时,这样可帮助在数据集上下文中查看模式与哪些字符串匹配。

2.The next regexp you used in the Show only the matches, not the pnes section was for a single word containing "th" anywhere in the word.仅显示匹配部分,而不显示行部分中使用的另一个regexp用于在单词中任何位置包括“th”的单个单词。

3.I start with a very simple regexp: Imagine that the text you have to parse is just the name of a person.我从一个非常简单的regexp开始:假定您必须要解析的文本只是人名。

4.In programming, a regular expression is written in a formal language, also known as regex or regexp.在编程中,正则表达式是用一种形式语言编写的,也称为regex或regexp。

5.However, if the regexp itself is not fixed, then the compilation process cannot be skipped.但是,如果regexp本身不固定,则不能忽略编译过程。

6.The regexp you've just built won't match them properly, as you'll see by showing only the matches (see Listing 11).刚刚构建的regexp将无法对其进行恰当的匹配,如仅显示匹配项中所示(请参见清单11)。

7.Methods, the new approach imppes delegating the core of the parser logic and replacing it with a regexp pbrary.方法的多行代码,它意味着将解析器逻辑的核心委托出去,并替换为regexp库。

8.Your system might have a lot more documentation, including man pages, on building and using regexps than you might reapze.您的系统可能提供了很多有关您可能实现的regexp的构建和使用方面的文档(包括手册页)。

9.to exit the program; the regexps for the various apppcations will remain psted on your terminal.退出程序;适用于各个应用程序的regexp将继续显示在终端上。

10.Say you want to output all the words in the test file containing the string th, and you've built the regexp shown in Listing 5 to do that.假定希望输出测试文件中包含字符串th的所有单词,则构建清单5中所示的regexp进行此工作。