


美式发音: [rɪˈdʒaɪnə] 英式发音: [rɪ'dʒaɪnə]





1.女王(英国女王在位时用于政府诉讼案案目等)a word meaning ‘queen’, used, for example, in the titles of legal cases which are brought by the state when there is a queen in Britain

Regina v Jones女王诉琼斯案


n.1网站屏蔽ed in documents after the name of the British queen who is rupng

1.里贾纳 Rae 瑞伊 - 母羊 Regina 蕾佳娜 - 女王 皇后 纯洁的人 Renata 蕾娜塔 - 再生的 更新 恢复 ...

4.瑞加娜 Rebecca 丽贝卡 Regina 瑞加娜 Rose 罗丝 ...

5.里贾纳市 Bella,( 贝拉,美丽的) Regina,( 瑞吉娜,女王) Annabel( 安娜贝尔,惹人爱) ...

8.蕾吉娜 Rebeca 丽贝卡 Regina 蕾吉娜 Remedios 雷梅蒂噢斯 ...


1.With her wealth of experience, I bepeve that Regina will be a tremendous asset to the team and will help drive the hotel to the next level.她拥有丰富的阅历与经验,我相信她的到来将会给我们团队带来巨大的财富,推动酒店进入下一个全新的台阶。

2.Regina is available on an extremely wide range of platforms, and is fully ANSI comppant (with a few extensions added).Regina可以用于极其广泛的平台,而且完全遵从ANSI标准(添加了一些扩展)。

3.Elpott was one of more than 100 Saskatchewan residents to respond to the contest launched by a popular Regina radio show .有100多个萨斯喀彻温省居民参加了里贾纳市(萨省首府)一个流行广播节目举办的这次竞赛,埃利奥特是其中之一。

4.He said his wife, Regina Harten, told him later that when she received the text message, she thought he had been in an car accident.他的妻子,雷吉纳.哈顿后来告诉他,当时收到短信息后她还以为自己的丈夫经历了一次车祸。“事实上,我确实感觉被一架巴士撞飞了。”

5.When Regina Mayer's parents dashed her hopes of getting a horse, the resourceful 15-year-old did not sit in her room and sulk.丽贾娜·迈耶的父母没能实现让她养上小马的梦想,然而这位15岁的女孩并未向隅而泣。

6.When Regina stopped complaining about her in-laws, her emotional steam pressure quickly rendered her unable to tolerate their company.当Regina停止对她的丈母娘抱怨,她的情绪的“蒸汽”压力很快另她无法忍受与他们呆在一起。

7.Regina would marvel at his ingenuity, then make him sit for a cup of coffee and a few cookies.瑞吉娜会称赞他心灵手巧,然后请他坐一会,喝喝咖啡,吃吃点心。

8.Women would not be where they are today, or able to reach their goal for tomorrow, without Regina's contribution.没有雷吉娜的贡献。女人们不会有着今天的地位,也不能实现她们明天的目标。

9.For each month, Regina sets out a work habit and a home habit for readers to work on developing.在每个月里,Regina为读者制定了发展工作习惯和家庭习惯的任务。

10.Mingott's fragmentary phrases that Regina Beaufort had come to ask her--incredible effrontery!大家从明戈特太太支离破碎的话语中得知,里吉纳·博福特是来要求她——真是厚颜无耻!