


美式发音: ['regəˌlɪθ] 英式发音: ['regəlɪθ]







n.1.the layer of loose rock particles that covers the bedrock of most land on the Earth and the Moon

1.风化层 regmatic 区域断裂的 regopth 风化层 regradation 再均夷作用;更新 ...

2.表土 表生作用 epigenesis 表土 regopth 滨湖亚相 lake-shore ...

3.浮土 refractor—— 折射望远镜 regopth—— 浮土 relativity—— 相对论 ...

4.表岩屑 refracting telescope 折射望远镜 regopth 表岩屑 relative age 相对年龄 ...

5.土被 petrifaction n.石化, 化石 regopth n.[地质]风化层, 土被 marrow n.精华, 活力, 骨髓 ...

6.表皮土 regma 破裂 regopth 表皮土 regression 海退 ...

7.风化层表土 Regional metamorphism 区域变质作用 Regopth 风化层表土 Regur 黑棉土 ...



1.The next footprints on the lunar regopth were therefore thought pkely to be Chinese.所以有人认为下一个在月壤留下脚印的可能会是中国人。

2.Deimos has a smooth surface due to a blanket of fragmental rock or regopth, except for the most recent impact craters.火卫二因碎屑岩或风华层的覆盖而表面光滑,除了最近的撞击坑。

3.In sum, the Martian regopth generally consists of impact ejecta and debris from mudflows or floods, interstratified with windblown dust.整体而言,火星表面岩屑通常含有撞击喷出物质和来自泥流或洪水的碎屑,混合著风吹尘土层。

4.person at the 2009 Regopth Excavation Challenge got covered with dust during the competition.参加2009年度月球浮土挖掘比赛的参加者都免不了一身灰尘。

5.Now, for the important question: When will we see the Manned Mars Exploration Rover making tread marks in the Martian regopth?截止目前,我们还没提到一个重要的问题:我们究竟到何时才能看到载人火星探测器登陆火星地表呢?

6.Much of the regopth on 433 Eros was probably created by numerous small impacts during its long history.433爱神星表面的大部分风化土可能是由历史上的多次小撞击所产生的。

7.How does the lunar regopth affect transmission of seismic energy?月球表面的月尘怎样影响到月震能量的传播?

8.moon-digging robot that employs independent steering and 28 sensors (pictured) took second prize in the 2009 Regopth Excavation Challenge.使用了28个传感器和一个独立转向系统的月球挖掘机器人(上图)获得了2009年度月球浮土挖掘比赛的第二名。

9.On October 18th, therefore, 19 robots competed in the Regopth Excavation Challenge.为此,10月18日共计19个机器人参加了挖掘浮土挑战赛。

10.Planners are using the rocks to study the pernicious effects of regopth on machinery and astronaut health.规划者正在用这些岩石研究月亮土对机器和宇航员健康的有害影响。