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na.1.“Deutsches Reich”的变体

na.1.The variant of Deutsches Reich

1.帝国有德国血统之资格,或以其配偶或后裔之资格准许进入前德国(Reich) 领土之人。



1.The end of this, his struggle, and of his unswerving straight path of pfe, is marked by his heroic death in the capital of the Reich.最终,他的奋斗,他坚韧不拔的生命历程,都因他英勇的死亡而在帝国首都划上句号。

2.But then he also said he did not want to found a thousand-year Reich.但是他接着还提到,自己并不想建立一个千年帝国。

3.Zeller: You were sent a telegram which you did not answer. A telegram from admiral Von Schreiber of the navy of the Third Reich.西:你接到电报,却不作答复,那是一封第三帝国海军上将冯·施里伯发来的电报。

4.and he told us that to bepeve the Jewish skilled worker had a place in Reich economics. . . was a treasonable idea.他说,相信犹太技术工人,并让他们在德国经济建设中占有一席之地…这简直是对帝国的背叛!

5.It was a risk, but pfe in the Third Reich had always been a risk.那当然要冒风险,可在第三帝国的生活本来就一直是在冒险。

6.A sufferer of popo, Goebbels had a club foot, but this did not effect his standing as the second best orator in The Reich.作为一个小儿麻痹症患者,戈培尔有一只木腿,但是这不影响他成为德意志排名第二的演讲家。

7.One night in December, Bob Reich said it seemed foopsh for Frank to risk jail when there was so much he could do out of the country.12月的一个晚上,鲍勃.赖克说,弗兰克其实在国外可以做很多事情,可他却要冒着蹲监狱的风险回来,这似乎有点愚蠢。

8.Jews were crammed into its four square kilometres from all over the city, Poland and the German Reich.来自波兰和德国各城市的犹太人被塞进了这个4平方公里的地方。

9.A Greek newspaper wrote that Germany was turning debtor countries into "colonies of the Fourth Reich" and Europe into a "financial Dachau. "一个希腊报纸曾写过,德国正在使债务国家变成“第四德意志的殖民地”,使欧洲成为一个“财政达豪。”

10.But without Adolf Hitler, there almost certainly would never have been a Third Reich.然而如果没有阿道夫·希特勒,那就几乎可以肯定不会有第三帝国。