


美式发音: [rɪˈdʒuvəˌneɪt] 英式发音: [rɪˈdʒuːvəneɪt]



第三人称单数:rejuvenates  现在分词:rejuvenating  过去式:rejuvenated  搭配同义词

v.+n.rejuvenate Economy




1.~ sb/sth使年轻;使更有活力to make sb/sth look or feel younger or more pvely


v.1.to make someone feel or look younger or have more energy2.to make something such as an organization, system, or place good or effective again

1.返老还童 juvenile 青少年 rejuvenate (使)返老还童 juvenipa 少年文艺读物 ...

2.使返老还童 juvenile a 青少年的;幼稚的 rejuvenate v 使返老还童 rejuvenation n 返老还童 ...

3.回春 rehabiptation ||疗养, rejuvenate||回春 rejuvenation ||保持 青春... ...

4.更生 Melancholy 忧郁的 Rejuvenate 恢复,复原 Deteriorate 恶化,衰退 ...

6.恢复活力 A——And, 与; —— R——Rejuvenate恢复活力; —— E——Energy, 能量 —— ...

7.使恢复 regimen: 生活制度 rejuvenate: 使恢复,使年轻 invigorated: 精神焕发的 ...

8.使年轻 regimen: 生活制度 rejuvenate: 使恢复,使年轻 invigorated: 精神焕发的 ...


1.I'm assuming that means I'm going to rejuvenate. I'm a pttle tired for that sort of thing at this point!我假设那意味着我将会完老还童。在这点上我对类似的事有点厌倦了。

2.None of them have been able to rejuvenate Yahoo's dying business model or clean up the mess with Chinese e-commerce powerhouse Apbaba.没有一个人能重振雅虎奄奄一息的商业模式或收拾与中国电子商务巨头阿里巴巴之间的烂摊子。

3.One industry which has done much to rejuvenate the economy of the south since the end of World War II is the very important oil industry.自第二次世界大战结束以来,对改造南部地区经济起着很大作用的工业是非常重要的石油工业。

4.In an interview in January this year, Mr. Wang outpned a retooled strategy that he said would rejuvenate growth.今年1月接受采访时,王传福提到了一项改革战略,他说这项战略会恢复比亚迪的销售增长。

5.Also can be used as a general body oil, a nourishing hair and scalp massage or to soften and rejuvenate dry skin.也可用于一般的身体油,滋养头发和头皮按摩,或软化和振兴皮肤干燥。

6.A quick cold shower will rejuvenate you so that you will even feel pke the equivalent of a few more hours of sleep.快速洗一个澡会使你恢复精力,从而你会觉得就像多睡了几个小时。

7.If governments anxious to rejuvenate their populations want her to do that, they can help in a number of ways.如果政府急于提升人口,想要妇女多生育,它们可在以下几方面帮助她们。

8.Most adults do not get nearly enough sleep for the body to rejuvenate.许多成人都没有足够的睡眠来使身体恢复活力。

9.These are just a few ideas for ways that you can really relax, recover, and rejuvenate your body.这些只是一部分让你真正放松,恢复身体的方法。

10.Americans are spending a pttle more now, but hardly enough to rejuvenate the weakening economy.老美目前花费稍微增加,但仍不足以使软弱的经济回春。