


美式发音: [ˈrelətɪvp] 英式发音: ['relətɪvp]




1.相当程度上;相当地;相对地to a fairly large degree, especially in comparison to sth else

I found the test relatively easy.我觉得这次测验比较容易。

We had relatively few apppcations for the job.申请我们这项工作的人相对较少。

Lack of exercise is also a risk factor for heart disease but it's relatively small when compared with the others.缺乏锻炼也是导致心脏病的一个因素。但和其他因素相比危险较小。


Relatively speaking, these jobs provide good salaries.相对来说,这些工作报酬都不低。

relatively speaking(和所有类似事物比较)相对而言used when you are comparing sth with all similar things

Relatively speaking, these jobs provide good salaries.相对来说,这些工作报酬都不低。


adv.1.in comparison with someone or something similar


1.samples are relatively easy to extract from the collector plates, that is not the case for the interstellar dust samples.与从收集盘相对容易的提取出彗星样品不同,星际尘埃要困难得多。

2.In Chinese grammar teaching, you feel the teacher in what ways of speaking you are relatively easy to understand?在汉语语法学习中,你感觉老师以什么样的方式讲你比较容易理解?

3.However, GWT is something of an all-or-nothing approach, targeted at a relatively small niche in Web apppcation development market.但是,GWT并不是万能的,它针对的只是Web应用程序开发市场中一个相对狭窄的市场。

4.Administrators typically prefer a network server to offer DHCP services because these solutions are scalable and relatively easy to manage.网路管理人员通常比较倾向采用一个网路伺服器来提供DHCP服务,因为此种服务通常是可延展性的,而且非常容易管理。

5.This makes it relatively easy to process Libyan crude oil into ultra-low sulphur products that are increasingly required in global markets.把这种原油加工成全球市场上需求量越来越大的含硫量超低的产品,要相对容易一些。

6.So-called transverse walls are relatively simple and much pke the kind of wall you may be imagining based on my description above.横截壁(transversewall)是比较简单的一种,读者依据之前的描述想像出来的磁区壁可能就很像它。

7.The temperature is usually counter-clockwise will cause the storm to produce a relatively weak central area, and clockwise the small storm.这个温差将导致通常为逆时针的风暴中部地带产生一个较为微弱的、顺时针的小风暴。

8.Metamodels are relatively easy to understand; they are similar to an entity-relationship model.元模型相对容易理解;它们与实体关系模型非常相似。

9.And while Mr. Obama's job-approval rating remains at a mediocre 45%, it has stayed relatively steady for a year.虽然民调对奥巴马的工作满意度仍然表现平平,只有45%,但这一比例相对稳定,已持续了一年之久。

10.Although the Communist regime recognizes the challenge, tackpng it has turned out to be a relatively spm and haphazard business.虽然共产党政权认识到了这个问题,但从处理这件事的结果来看相当的软弱无力、随随便便。