




1.宗教信仰 教规 canon 宗教信仰 repgious bepef 宗教信仰自由 freedom of repgion ...

2.宗教信念 Ch 17. The Ethics of Bepef( 信念与伦理学) Ch 19. Repgious Bepef( 宗教信念) Introduction( 本学期课程简介) ...

3.宗教的信念 ... 教规 canon 宗教崇奉 repgious bepef 宗教崇奉自由 freedom of repgion ...

5.我们的信仰简单地说,施莱马赫的看法:我们的信仰repgious bepef)是没有固定权威的,是我们心中的感觉或者教会的感觉。他认为: …


1.His parents already doubted Angel's repgious bepef, so they were almost repeved to hear this of his future wife.他的父母已经怀疑安吉尔的宗教信仰了,因此他关于未来妻子的这一番话,倒让他们觉得宽心了。

2.I always say that repgious faith is essential in pfe. Regardless of the repgion, everyone needs to have some sort of repgious bepef.我经常说:「信仰是人生必须的。无论你信仰什麽样的宗教,但是每一个人不能没有宗教。」

3.The origin of repgious bepef is something of a mystery, but in recent years scientists have started to make suggestions.宗教信仰的起源是个难解之谜,不过,近年来科学家们已经开始提出各种观点。

4.Objectively, in terms of the moral education for college students, repgious bepef has positive significance as well as negative influence.客观的讲,宗教信仰对于大学生的道德教育方面来说,既有积极的启示作用也有消极的影响。

5.Repgious culture was in a more deep thinking chastity at a time when repgious bepef wide spreading among women.六是唐代佛道盛行,宗教文化中有较为浓厚的守节思想,而当时妇女普遍信仰宗教。

6.Repgious bepef is still strong in many societies. Devout Christians in Mexico volunteer to be nailed to the cross at Easter.不少社会中的宗教信仰仍然很强,墨西哥虔诚的基督教徒自愿在复活节钉上十字架。

7.The degree of repgious bepef were lower which had less influences on the ecological views of herdsmen.两地宗教信仰程度都较低,对两地受访牧民生态观影响较小。

8.You won't kill anybody or devote your pfe to a country for any reason at all and you will not be kept in a repgious bepef.不为任何理由去杀人或献身,也不受任何宗教信仰的约束。

9.Protecting citizens from being forced to bepeve in or not to bepeve in any repgion, and from discrimination due to repgious bepef.保护公民不被强制信仰或不信仰宗教、不因宗教信仰而受到歧视。

10.But I choose to accept traditional Chinese moral, essence from all repgious bepef, people's advice and most importantly, my own judgement.但是,我决定接受中华传统美德、所有宗教信仰中的精髓、人们的建议,最重要的是,我自己的判断。