


美式发音: [rɪˈmeɪnz] 英式发音: [rɪ'meɪnz]





v.+n.bury remains




1.~ (of sth)剩余物;残留物;剩饭菜the parts of sth that are left after the other parts have been used, eaten, removed, etc.

She fed the remains of her lunch to the dog.她把剩下的午饭喂狗了。

2.古代遗物;古迹;遗迹;遗址the parts of ancient objects and buildings that have survived and are discovered in the present day

prehistoric remains史前遗迹

the remains of a Roman fort罗马要塞的遗址

3.遗体;遗骸the body of a dead person or animal

They had discovered human remains .他们发现过人类遗骸。



n.1.the body of a person or animal that has died2.the part of something that is left after the rest has been finished, used, or destroyed

v.1.the third person singular present tense of remain

1.遗迹 curtain n. 窗帘,帷幕,帘子 remains n. 遗体,残余,遗迹 Custom House 海关大楼 ...

2.残余 sacred 神圣的 remains 剩余物; 残余 classical 古典的 ...

3.遗体 regime 政体 remains 遗体 repatriate 遣返回国 ...

4.残骸 accidentally adv. 意外地,偶然地 remains n. 尸体,残骸 wire n. 电线 ...

5.遗骸 ruins 遗迹,废墟 remains 遗迹,遗骸 artifact 手工艺品 ...

6.遗物 fragment 碎片 remains 遗物 遗迹 废墟 rest 放置 ...

7.尸体 accidentally adv. 意外地,偶然地 remains n. 尸体,残骸 wire n. 电线 ...

8.废墟 rebuild v. 重建 remains n. 废墟 resemble v. 相似,类似 ...


1.During yesterday's match, Clarence Seedorf was forced to leave the pitch due to a muscle problem and remains a doubt for Tuesday.还是昨晚的比赛,克拉伦斯。西多夫因肌肉受伤被迫提前离场,本周二他是否能上场还存在疑问。

2.It remains unclear on how much capacity has been shuttered, with agencies reporting widely different estimates.目前还不清楚中国会关闭多少铅冶炼产能,各个机构给出的估计数据差异悬殊。

3.Beijing cracked down on street vending ahead of the Olympics a year ago, and the number of peddlers in the city center remains diminished.去年北京奥运会之前,北京市取缔了流动商贩,目前市中心的商贩数目因此而减少。

4.Whatever you think, say, or do, this sense of immutable and affectionate being remains as the ever-present background of the mind.无论受想行识,这种不变及怡然自得的感觉将常驻于头脑的背景。

5.The president said he remains hopeful. "If I was a betting man, [I would say] we will reach an agreement with the Iraqis, " he added.但是布什说,他依然对谈判抱有希望。他说:“如果让我赌,我会说,我们会和伊拉克达成协议。”

6.As I said to you in yesterday's message the mother remains indulgent and compassionate with man amidst her sorrow and pain.正如我在昨天的消息里对你说的,母亲仍然宽容和同情她的儿女,而不顾自己的悲伤和痛苦。

7.If the external environment remains favourable, some of the rise could be absorbed by an expansion of employment in services.如果外部经济环境仍然是有利的,那么服务行业就业率增长会吸收一部分失业增长。

8.First, Quantum fidepty describes to what extent the state of the system remains when an external parameter changes.量子保真度刻画了系统随外部驱动参数的变化其状态的保真程度。

9.This is what I covenanted with you when you came out of Egypt. And my Spirit remains among you. Do not fear.这是照着你们出埃及我与你们立约的话。那时,我的灵住在你们中间。你们不要惧怕。

10.Even if the expected economic recovery materiapzes, it remains to be seen whether demand would be able to return to pre-crisis levels.就算实现预期中的经济复苏,需求能否回到危机前的水准仍有待观察。