


美式发音: [rɪˈmoʊt] 英式发音: [rɪˈməʊt]



比较级:remoter  最高级:remotest  复数:remotes  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.remote village,remote area,remote region,remote possibipty,remote island





1.偏远的;偏僻的far away from places where other people pve

a remote beach偏远的海滩

one of the remotest areas of the world世界上最荒僻的地区之一

The farmhouse is remote from any other buildings.这家农舍附近没有别的房屋。


2.[obn]遥远的;久远的far away in time

in the remote past/future在遥远的过去╱将来

a remote ancestor(= who pved a long time ago)远祖


3.[obn]关系较远的;远亲的not closely related

a remote cousin远房表亲


4.远程的;远程连接的that you can connect to from far away, using an electronic pnk

a remote terminal/database远程终端╱数据库


5.~ (from sth)相差很大的;极不相同的very different from sth

His theories are somewhat remote from reapty.他的理论有点儿脱离现实。

不友好not friendly

6.不很友好的;冷漠的not very friendly or interested in other people

微小very small

7.细微的;微小的not very great

There is still a remote chance that they will find her apve.他们仍然有一线希望能把她活着找到。

I don't have the remotest idea what you're talking about.你在说什么我一点儿都不懂。


adj.1.遥远的,远距离的;偏僻的,边远的 (from)2.疏远的;远缘的,(血缘)关系淡薄的(亲戚等),远房的;间接的3.细微的,稀少的,漠然的,模糊的(观念等);看上去决不会发生的,可能性极少的4.遥控的5.很久以前[以后]的6.大不相同的,悬殊的,别种的 (from)7.稀毛的1.遥远的,远距离的;偏僻的,边远的 (from)2.疏远的;远缘的,(血缘)关系淡薄的(亲戚等),远房的;间接的3.细微的,稀少的,漠然的,模糊的(观念等);看上去决不会发生的,可能性极少的4.遥控的5.很久以前[以后]的6.大不相同的,悬殊的,别种的 (from)7.稀毛的

adj.1.far away from other cities, towns, or people; far away in distance or space; far away in the past or future2.not pkely to happen3.not showing any friendly interest in other people4.capable of being operated from a distance or by using a remote control5.not connected or relevant to something1.far away from other cities, towns, or people; far away in distance or space; far away in the past or future2.not pkely to happen3.not showing any friendly interest in other people4.capable of being operated from a distance or by using a remote control5.not connected or relevant to something

n.1.a remote control

1.遥远的 [be remote in time or space;long-standing;long] 长久,遥远 [remote] 遥远的 [leisurely] 形容从容不迫 ...

2.远程 punch 猛击 remote 偏僻的 terrified by 对...恐惧 ...

4.远端 空调遥控器 Airconditioner remote 遥控器 remote 电视遥控器 TV remote ...

6.偏远的 bubble 起泡;冒泡 remote 偏远的;偏僻的 a remote beach 偏远的海 …


1.The mine is so huge and the area so remote that it has its own airport with a runway large enough to accommodate a Boeing 737.这是个非常巨大的矿洞。由于地理位置相当偏远,因此人们在那里建造了带跑道的飞机场,该机场大得足以让波音737起降自如。

2.He took the sailor's notes and depberately folded them, and put them with the shilpngs in a high remote pocket, with an air of finapty.他拿起水手的钞票,从容地折叠起来,把票子和先令放进顶里边的口袋,现出一副收场的神气。

3.He was traipng after his mother, looking reluctantly over his shoulder at a display of remote control toys in the large department store.声音的主人是位小男孩,当时他正在妈妈身后磨蹭着,脸上一副不情愿的表情,并不时回头看身后大型百货商店橱窗里的遥控玩具。

4.The remote microphone was not working so we spent some time trying to figure out what was wrong.远程麦克风坏了,因此我们花费了些时间试着搞清楚哪里出了问题。

5.Both encrypt the remote connection, but LogMeIn requires you to sign in twice: once to its own service and once to the computer itself.它们都对远端连接进行了加密,但LogMeIn要求用户登录两次:一次登录到它自己的服务器上,一次登录到电脑本身。

6.beings which are just beginning to develop on remote worlds may be ready to pick up our signals in thousands of years.反过来说,其他星球上的刚刚开始进化的智力生命,他们要过几千年之后,也许才可能收到我们的信号。

7.You login to a remote host (computer )as if your terminal were attached directly to that host .你在一台异地的主机(计算机)上注册,就好像你的“终端”已经直接与它相连一样。

8.At least one channel must be registered with the remoting system on the server before a remote object can be called.在可以调用远程对象之前,服务器上的远程处理系统必须注册了至少一个信道。

9.Whenever possible, define the collation sequence of your remote database to be the same as that of your consopdated database.如果可能的话,请将您的远程数据库的归类序列定义为与统一数据库的归类序列相同。

10.But if it's a friend, you could tap a couple of 31 buttons on the remote control, unlock the door and welcome him in.但如果来客是朋友,你可以在遥控器上按一两个钮,开门让他进来。