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1.补一补 repatriation 遣送回国,归国 repaire 补一补 repairer 修理工人 ...


1.Precise implant prosthesis position, adequate soft-tissue repaire and accurate nursing care can decrease the morbidity of dislocation.精确的假体置入、充分的软组织修复及正确的护理可降低脱位的发生。

2.Compared to autogenous skin graft, artificial dermis is also a good choice for early stage oral cancer post-excision defect repaire.对于早期口腔癌术后缺损之修补,人造皮为不同于自体皮肤移植之另一选择。

3.Yes , Mr. Wade . We are going to repaire rooms of the seven floor next week. There is noise during repairs, so. . . . . .是的,韦德先生。我们打算下周开始重新装修七楼的客房,在装修期间会产生一些噪音,所以……

4."You'd better repaire the sheepfold and plug up the hollow as soon as possible! " Neighbours advised him.邻居劝告他说:“赶紧把羊圈建一建,堵上那个窟窿吧。”

5.All right. And don't worry about the noise , Mr. Wade, after two days we begin to repaire room . And enjoy your stay with us !好的。韦德先生,我们尊重您的选择,不用担心噪音干扰,我们两天后才开工。祝您住得愉快!

6.It "s very important to make fault diagnosis for electronic equipment and repaire it quickly and accurately. "对复杂的电子设备的故障进行快速准确的诊断和维护是一个急待解决的重要问题。

7.Maintain and repaire test instruments.保管、维护实验工具等。

8.I had marked those dimensions which need to repaire with different color.我已给需要更改的尺寸作了不同颜色记号。

9.I planned that I repaire a dinner by myself, and prepair a present to her such as clothes.我打算为妈准备一次晚餐,为她准备一份礼物。

10.The man who helped me repaire the bike had gone.帮我修理自行车的那个人已经离开。