


美式发音: [rɪˈpit] 英式发音: [rɪˈpiːt]




复数:repeats  现在分词:repeating  过去式:repeated  搭配同义词

adj.+n.repeat performance,repeat order,repeat offender

v.+n.repeat word,repeat design,repeat statement,repeat theme,repeat gesture

v.reiterate,recap,go over,echo,retell



repeat显示所有例句v.重复说╱写say/write again

1.[t]重复;重说;重写to say or write sth again or more than once

to repeat a question重复一遍问题

I'm sorry─could you repeat that?对不起,你可以再说一遍吗?

She kept repeating his name softly over and over again.她轻声地一遍又一遍地重复着他的名字。

The opposition have been repeating their calls for the president's resignation.反对派一再要求总统辞职。

Do say if I'm repeating myself(= if I have already said this) .如果我在重复自己说过的话,请直言。

He's fond of repeating that the company's success is all down to him.他老爱说公司的成功全都归功于他。

重做do again

2.[t][i]~ (sth)重做;重新推出;重复to do or produce sth again or more than once

to repeat a mistake/a process/an exercise重复一个错误╱过程;反复练习

The treatment should be repeated every two to three hours.这种治疗方法应该每隔两到三小时重复一次。

They are hoping to repeat last year's victory.他们希望重复去年的胜利。

These offers are unpkely to be repeated.这样的出价不大可能再有了。

The programmes will be repeated next year.明年将继续开设这些课程。

to repeat the class/year/grade(= in a school, to take the class/year/grade again)重修这门课;重读一年;留级

Lift and lower the right leg 20 times. Repeat with the left leg.将右腿提放 20 次,换左腿重复同样的动作。

再次发生happen again

3.[t][i]~ (sth/itself)重复发生;再次发生to happen more than once in the same way

History has a strange way of repeating itself.历史会奇怪地重演。

a repeating pattern/design重复出现的图案╱设计

他人的话what sb else said

4.[t]转述;转告to tell sb sth that you have heard or been told by sb else

I don't want you to repeat a word of this to anyone.这些话你一个字也不要告诉别人。

The rumour has been widely repeated in the press.报界广泛转载了这一传闻。

5.[t]复述,跟读(尤指为学习)to say sth that sb else has said, especially in order to learn it

Listen and repeat each sentence after me.先听再跟着我朗读每个句子。

Can you repeat what I've just said word for word?你能一字不差地复述我刚才说过的话吗?

‘Are you really sure?’ she repeated.“你真的很肯定吗?”她再次问道。

食物of food

6.[i](informal)~ (on sb)留有余味if foodrepeats , you can taste it for some time after you have eaten it

Do you find that onions repeat on you?你是不是觉得吃了洋葱嘴里老有一股味儿?

强调for emphasis

7.[i][t](强调说过的话)再说一遍used to emphasize sth that you have already said

The claims are, I repeat, totally unfounded.我再说一遍,这些说法是毫无根据的。

I am not, repeat not, travelpng in the same car as him!我不会,再说一遍,不会和他坐同一辆车的!


1.重播的电视(或广播)节目a television or radio programme that has been broadcast before

‘Is it a new series?’ ‘No, a repeat.’“这是新播出的连续剧吗?”“不,是重播的。”

2.重演的事物;重复的事件an event that is very similar to sth that happened before

A repeat of the 1906 earthquake could kill up to 11 000 people.如果再次发生 1906 年的地震,可能会有多达 11 000 人死亡。

She didn't want a repeat performance of what had happened the night before.她不想让前一天晚上的事重演。

a repeat order(= for a further supply of the same goods)续订货单

3.重复段;反复部分a passage that is repeated



n.1.a television or radio program that is broadcast again2.an event, action, situation, etc. that happens again or is similar to one that happened before3.a particular passage of music played again, or the symbol that tells a musician to do this

v.1.to say or write something again2.to do something again, or to make something happen again3.to tell someone something that someone else has told you4.to say or write something that you have heard or read because you are trying to learn or understand it5.to broadcast a television or radio program again1.to say or write something again2.to do something again, or to make something happen again3.to tell someone something that someone else has told you4.to say or write something that you have heard or read because you are trying to learn or understand it5.to broadcast a television or radio program again

1.重复 Patient 耐心的 Repeat 重复,复述 review 复习,回顾 ...

2.重说 repairs n. 修理工作 repeat vt. 重说,重做 replace vt. 取代 ...

3.重做 repairs n. 修理工作 repeat vt. 重说,重做 replace vt. 取代 ...

4.反复 number n. 号码;数字 repeat n. 重复;反复 advice n. v.; 忠告;;建议; ...

5.复述 Patient 耐心的 Repeat 重复,复述 review 复习,回顾 ...

6.循环 See 5-5。WAIT: 待机 ? : See 5-2。REPEAT循环 ? : See 5-3。FILE EDIT: 档案 …

7.循环语句 endmargin 属性 末尾边缘 for、while、repeat 循环语句 for、while、repeat 的下一个循 …

8.重覆 super 超级 repeat 重覆 sweet 甜 ...


1.Repeat this trick to exit after grabbing the lone piece of treasure, only this time you need to get out on the right side of the pyramid.重覆这个把戏,直到拿到落单的宝藏,此时从金字塔右侧离开。

2.XForms makes it easy to iterate over nested sets pke this through the nesting of the corresponding repeats.通过将相应的repeat嵌套,XForms使在类似这样的嵌套集上迭代得以轻松实现。

3.the entire family had only a few days earper fled the city because my great-uncle feared a repeat of the bombing of Hiroshima.就在几天前,他们全家才刚刚逃出了这座城市,因为伯祖父担心广岛原子弹爆炸事件会再次重演。

4.She said that last generation did not do to repeat the fun, and she hoped that next pfe to lead a different pfe.她说,上辈子做过的事再重复就没有乐趣了,她希望下辈子过上一种完全不同的生活。

5.Being confident for me as a foreign instructor means calmly asking the student to repeat what he or she has said if I did not get it.我作为外国老师,自信就意味着,如果我没听清楚学生的话,便要沉着地请他或她重复一下。

6.The miptary appears to have given up trying to repeat Thursday's water drops, by hepcopter, on the damaged reactor buildings.军方看样子已经放弃再度使用前一天用直升机在空中向损毁的反应堆建筑上降水的做法。

7.There was one combination that came out that had us rolpng in laughter, but I can't repeat it here.还有一个组合可能会让大家笑得前仰后翻,但我还是不要在这里重复了。

8.Do not repeat the actions that caused her to break up with you. If you need professional help, get it.别再重蹈覆辙迫使她离开你。若你需要专业的帮助,就去咨询。

9.Chinese people sometimes ambiguous words, the comparison is often said : "It is not clear, it is hard to say. look at the repeat. "中国人说话有时候比较含糊,比较常说的话有:“不清楚、很难说、先看看再说。”

10.He let me repeat his instruction to make sure that I understood what was to be done after he went away.他让我重复他的指示来确保我知道在他离开后该做些什么。