



美式发音: [rɪˈpit] 英式发音: [rɪˈpiːt]




复数:repeats  现在分词:repeating  过去式:repeated  搭配同义词

adj.+n.repeat performance,repeat order,repeat offender

v.+n.repeat word,repeat design,repeat statement,repeat theme,repeat gesture

v.reiterate,recap,go over,echo,retell





n.1.a television or radio program that is broadcast again2.an event, action, situation, etc. that happens again or is similar to one that happened before3.a particular passage of music played again, or the symbol that tells a musician to do this

v.1.to say or write something again2.to do something again, or to make something happen again3.to tell someone something that someone else has told you4.to say or write something that you have heard or read because you are trying to learn or understand it5.to broadcast a television or radio program again1.to say or write something again2.to do something again, or to make something happen again3.to tell someone something that someone else has told you4.to say or write something that you have heard or read because you are trying to learn or understand it5.to broadcast a television or radio program again

1.重复 Non-marking grouping 非标记组 Repeats 重复 Will match either of: 会匹配如下: ...

2.重复序列 ... 首播 Prime:Sunday 9pm 重播 Repeats:Monday 10am & 11pm [影像厨房作品 An Insane Kitchen Produ…

4.反复 wrecked n. 失事船(或飞机), 残骸, (船, 飞机的)失事 repeats n. 重复, 反复 distraction n. 娱乐, 分心, 分心的事物 ...

5.重复的循环数t Protocol”页面,输入相应的温度、时间、重复的循环数Repeats),增加或删除步骤(Cycle和Step),在“Select data coll…

6.重复次数常规部分的控制旋钮非常简单,有延时时间(Delay Time),音色(Tone),还有重复次数Repeats)。另外还可以使用Multi…

7.重复乐句藉著所有的重复乐句 (repeats) 令 Scherzo 得以推动下去,而藉定音鼓所加强的高潮 (the timpani-enhanced cpmax) 是壮观的, …


1.As he sits back down at his desk with his coffee he repeats the word "focus" over and over as a mantra to himself.拿着咖啡坐回书桌前,他像念咒语一样一遍一遍重复念叨着“集中精力”,将书打开。

2.XForms makes it easy to iterate over nested sets pke this through the nesting of the corresponding repeats.通过将相应的repeat嵌套,XForms使在类似这样的嵌套集上迭代得以轻松实现。

3.Loop repeats the cycle with a newly generated random code until a scan of the rows does not produce a match.Loop使用一个新生成的随机码重复这个循环,直到行扫描不再生成匹配值。

4.XML is often referred to as self-describing data because it is designed so the schema repeats for each record in the document.XML通常被称为自我描述的数据,因为它被设计为对文档中的每个记录使用重复的模式。

5.This allows the number of repeats of an element to be indicated by an integer field in the message.这允许通过消息中的一个整数字段指示某个元素的重复次数。

6.I always think there is nothing to be worth writing. The time repeats day by day without change. And work goes on in its own way.总觉得没什么可写的,日子总是那么过,时间又总是那么一天又一天的重复着,而工作依然是那么好有规律的进行。

7.He who covers over an offense promotes love, but whoever repeats the matter separates close friends.遮掩人过的,寻求人爱;屡次挑错的,离间密友。

8.Although he never sleeps with the same woman twice, by so doing he continually repeats the act of sleeping with a new woman.虽然他不夜城与同一女子两次,这样,他不断重复的行为同睡一个新的女人。

9.He repeats that motto to himself when he arrives home after a long day at the office or after one of his frequent business trips.在结束一天的辛勤工作,或出差后回到家中时,他都会默念这句话。

10."It's all encompassing" , he repeats to the crowd gathered in this working-class Cairo district - Islam is all encompassing.扎基向聚集在开罗的这个工薪阶层区的民众反复强调说:“伊斯兰包容所有一切。”