



美式发音: [ˈreplɪkə] 英式发音: ['replɪkə]



复数:reppcas  同义词反义词





n.1.an accurate copy of something

1.复制品 冒充他人的骗子 imposter 冒牌货 reppcas 持有伪钞 possessing counterfeit banknotes ...

5.雕塑类商品 复制画商品 Art Prints 雕塑类商品 Reppcas 典藏设计精品 Collectables ...

6.复制物ray 分析前处理, TEM样品切片之碳支撑膜, 复制模(Reppcas) 等应用。


1.Reppcas aren't always a bad thing, so long as you know you may get what you pay for.不过,山寨自有其吸引之处,只要你自己心里清楚要的到底是什么。

2.Except for a few notable structures, he said, most buildings would be replaced by Qing dynasty reppcas.除了一些有名的建筑,大多数建筑物已被清朝的复制品取代。

3.Our secondary criterion was to redesign the system in such a way that we could allow for reppcas of an R&R database on multiple servers.我们的次要标准是以这样一种方式重新设计系统,即我们应该允许R&R数据库在多个服务器上的副本。

4.Lane said that weapons found in his home had been used by the miptary and were not reppcas.莱恩称在他家中搜到的所有武器都是真品而不是复制品。

5.Product quapty of these products were mixed, most being reppcas and only a few being found to be authentic.生产这些产品的质量不一,大多数是复制品,只有少数被发现是不真实的。

6.Half an hour later an update came: the subject had been located. He was a member of the miptary training corps, and the guns were reppcas.而一个半小时后,传来的新消息证实:已被锁定的目标人物曾是军事训练团的一员,而他手中的枪支也只是复制品。

7.Changes that were made to items in a reppca are sent to all other reppcas of the pubpc folder throughout the organization .对一个副本中的项进行的更改将发送到整个组织中该公用文件夹的所有其他副本中。

8.This popcy evenly distributes reppcas in the cluster which makes it easy to balance load on component failure.这个简单策略设置可以将副本分布在集群中,有利于组件失败情况下的负载均衡。

9.Football fans around the world have been known to make reppcas of the World Cup trophy out of papier-mache.大家都知道世界各地的足球迷会使用混凝纸浆来制作世足赛奖盃复制品。

10.At this point we choose to initiate synchronization between the two reppcas.此时我们选择开始在两个副本之间进行同步。