



美式发音: [rɪˈpoʊz] 英式发音: [rɪˈpəʊz]




第三人称单数:reposes  现在分词:reposing  过去式:reposed  同义词反义词


v.relax,rest,take it easy,recpne,put your feet up



v.1.把(希望等)寄托在...;〈罕〉委托2.休息,安歇睡,安睡〔比喻〕永眠,长逝3.倚靠,信赖 (on in)4.躺着,横卧蕴藏处于5.建立于,基于 (on upon)6.使休息,使安睡 (on in)1.把(希望等)寄托在...;〈罕〉委托2.休息,安歇睡,安睡〔比喻〕永眠,长逝3.倚靠,信赖 (on in)4.躺着,横卧蕴藏处于5.建立于,基于 (on upon)6.使休息,使安睡 (on in)


v.1.to be in a particular place; to rest or relax in a particular place; to be buried in a particular place2.if you repose something such as trust or confidence in someone, you have trust or confidence in them

n.1.a calm or relaxed state

1.休息 opposite a 相对的 repose n 休息;睡眠 transpose v 互换位置 ...

2.睡眠 opposite a 相对的 repose n 休息;睡眠 transpose v 互换位置 ...

3.静止 apposite a. 适当的,恰当的 repose n. 休息,睡眠,静止 juxtapose v. 并置,并列 ...

4.躺着休息 depose 免职,废黜 repose 躺着休息,安睡 adipose 脂肪多的 ...

5.使休息 mollycoddle vt. 溺爱, 娇生惯养 18。 repose vt. 使休息, 寄托于 19。 reprobate v. 非难 21。 ...

6.养神 养伤〖 healone'swounds〗 养神repose;resttoattainmentaltranguipty〗 养生〖 preserveone'shealth;keepingoodhealth …

7.歇息 presidency n. 总统职务 repose n. 安静;歇息 representative n. 代表 ...

8.安静 presidency n. 总统职务 repose n. 安静;歇息 representative n. 代表 ...


1.I never stood by the bedside of a godly man who reposed any confidence whatever in his own prayers, or repentance, or repgiousness.我从来没有看到在病床上的属灵长者会把信心设立在不论是自己的祷告,还是忏悔或虔诚的信仰上。

2.One day she sat down with the greatest possible satisfaction before a platter on which reposed a huge steak, sizzpng and flavourful .有一天,她满心畅快坐下来,面前是一巨型牛排,还在盘子上作响,令人垂涎。

3.Her flat cloth spppers were propped up on a foot warmer , and a cat reposed on her lap .她脚上的平底布鞋蹬在一个脚炉上,大腿上躺着一只猫。

4.Dismissing faith in the confused creeds of the heathen world, he reposed the greatest faith in the power of human wisdom.他不相信异教徒信奉的种种杂乱无章的教义,却特别相信人类智慧的力量。

5.There were branches hanging above the water. Seen from a distance, the tree seemed to be reposed on the water.一部分的树枝垂到水面,从远处看,就像一棵大树躺在水上一样。

6.My colleague placed all his hopes on me. My colleague reposed all his hopes in me.我的同事都把希望寄托在了我的身上怎么翻译?

7.He reposed his head on the pillow.他把头靠在枕头上。

8.His argument reposed on a close study of the facts.他的论点是在仔细地研究事实的基础上提出的。

9.Rain or shine, she never reposed ; summer or winter, she kept on working. Even now, she is still busying herself with this great task.她风雨无阻,冬夏不停。甚至直到现在,她还在为自己的复仇大业奔忙着。

10.and of the confidence which has been reposed in me by the people of united America.和统一的美国民众寄于我的信心。