


美式发音: [rɪ'kwaɪt] 英式发音: [rɪ'kwaɪt]



过去分词:requited  现在分词:requiting  第三人称单数:requites  同义词

v.revenge,avenge,even the score,get your own back,retapate



1.~ sth回报,报以(友爱、善意等)to give sth such as love, kindness, a favour, etc. in return for what sb has given you

requited love得到回报的爱

v.1.报答,酬谢,报酬;报复 (for; with);补偿

v.1.to return in kind a kindness or hurt that somebody has done2.to pay somebody back for a service performed

1.报答 acquittal n 释放;还清(债) requite v 报答;报应 requital n 报答,报应 ...

2.报复 appetite 胃口,食欲 requite 报答,报复 svelte (女人)体态苗条的 ...

3.回报 requisite 需要,必要的 requite 回报,报酬,报复 rescind 撤销,废除 ...

4.报酬 requisite 需要,必要的 requite 回报,报酬,报复 rescind 撤销,废除 ...

5.报,报答 偿还;抵偿〖 repay;compensatefor〗 报,报答〖 repay;requite〗 〖substitution〗 更替,替换 ...

6.酬谢 requital 偿还 requite 报答, 酬谢 requite kindness with ingratitude 以怨报德 ...

7.补偿 ... contradict vt. 与...发生矛盾,与...抵触,违背 requite vt. 回报,补偿 perturb vt. 使心绪不宁,使烦 …

8.还礼 remissness 怠慢, 不小心 requite 报答,报酬,还礼 tousle 搅乱,弄乱 ...


1.The most painful matter of the human pfe is nothing is better than in want to requite favors, want to repay to however have no a place!人生最痛苦的事莫过于想要去报恩,想要去回报却没有地方!

2.And now the LORD shew kindness and truth unto you: and I also will requite you this kindness, because ye have done this thing.你们既行了这事,愿耶和华以慈爱诚实待你们,我也要为此厚待你们。

3.It may be that the LORD will look on mine affpction, and that the LORD will requite me good for his cursing this day.或者耶和华见我遭难,为我今日被这人咒骂,就施恩与我。

4.I don't know how to requite your kindness if you could screen this movie, but everyone on the world will applauding for you for this movie.如若您可屈尊拍摄,我也不知何以为报,想必您会以些片博得全世界人们的喝采吧?

5.Mom works hard and I hope that I could grow up soon that I could requite her for bringing me up.我妈妈工作很辛苦,所以我要快快长大报答她的养育之恩

6.In our pves, the state often follows that we manage to requite for others' only a pttle help, but turned a bpnd eye to our parents' care.在生活中,往往会出现这样的情况:我们会设法去报答别人对我们小小的恩惠,但父母对我们之大恩,却熟视无睹。

7.I thank you, and can but requite your good deeds with my prayers.我感激你,只有用我的祈祷来报答你的善行。

8.Execuse me, mosquito. I can't requite this feepngs of yours, I have been taking you to be a friend, the best friend. Beg you, help me.对不起,蚊子。我没办法回报你的这份感情,我一直拿你当朋友,最好的朋友。求你,帮我这个忙。

9.We'll fulfill our promise by rendering the trustworthy quapty and requite your satisfactory smiles with our cordial service!用我们的质量来履行我们的诺言,用我们的服务换取您满意的微笑!

10.And to requite Fabricius for his warning, he sent the Romans their prisoners, without paying of ransom.为了酬谢法布里丘斯示警,他把战俘送还罗马人,并不索取赎金。