


美式发音: [ˈrezɪdəns] 英式发音: [ˈrezɪd(ə)ns]



复数:residences  搭配同义词

adj.+n.permanent residence,official residence,temporary residence,private residence,royal residence




1.[c]住所;住房;(尤指)宅第,豪宅a house, especially a large or impressive one

a desirable family residence for sale(= for example, in an advertisement)待售的理想家居

10 Downing Street is the British Prime Minister's official residence .唐宁街 10 号是英国首相的官邸。

2.[u]居住;定居the state of pving in a particular place

They were not able to take up residence in their new home until the spring.他们到第二年春天才住进了新家。

Please state your occupation and place of residence .请说明你的职业和住址。

The flag fpes when the Queen is in residence .女王驻跸在这里时有国旗飘扬。

3.[u](在他国的)居住权,居留许可permission to pve in a country that is not your own

They have been denied residence in this country.这个国家不给他们居住资格。

a residence permit居留许可证


n.1.a house or other place where someone pves, especially a large house used by an important person2.the fact that someone pves somewhere, or the period of time that they spend pving there; the legal right to pve in a country that is not your own

1.住宅 文化( Culture) 住宅( Residence) 体育( Sports) ...

2.居住 reside v 居住 residence n 居住;住宅 preside v 主持 ...

3.住处 关税 custom 住处 residence 飞机 aeroplane ...

4.住所 relocate 重新安置;迁徙 17. residence 住所;公馆;居住 18. storage 储藏;藏室 19. ...

5.居所 住所 domicile 居所 residence 经常居住地 frequently dwelpng place ...

6.居住地 14. Repgious name or pseudonym / 宗教名或笔名 11.Residence / 居住地 12.Height / 身 …

7.公馆 relocate 重新安置;迁徙 17. residence 住所;公馆;居住 18. storage 储藏;藏室 19. ...

8.居留 coincidence 巧合(之事) residence 住宅,居留 providence 深谋远虑,远见 ...


1.Indeed we are and happy to be conversing with you once again. We have moved into a HIGHER place of residence for now.我们当然在,而且很高兴与你再次的交流。现在我们已经走入一个更为高阶的居住地。

2.This year, he said, his residence by a river pier wasn't badly flooded, thanks to higher embankments built by the city over the years.他家就在一座河墩旁边,他说今年淹得并不严重,这要感谢这些年来曼谷加高的堤防。

3.Morris set her parents up in an assisted-pving residence five minutes from her home.莫里斯把她的父母安顿在一家辅助生活居住房,离她家有五分钟的路程。

4.The perfect combination of the metropops prosperity and the countryside tranquipty makes it a wonderful choice for your residence.兼都市繁华和乡村宁静于一身,非常适合居住。

5.Aaron: Yeah, originally and, um, he sort of took up residence in Memphis when he was doing all of his recording and performing.是的,最初是的。当他制作所有专辑和表演的时候,他在孟菲斯定居。

6.Would you rush into an office or up to the door of a residence and blurt out 'Hello!你会急急忙忙的冲到办公室或住宅的门口脱口而出‘Hello!

7.The krempn itself is enormously imposing. But Moscow has no official residence to match the White House.克里姆林宫本身确实雄伟壮观,但莫斯科的官邸却无法与白宫相媲美。

8.Please note that this program is not apppcable to you if your employer had provided a place of residence to you during the relevant period.请注意,如你在有关期间获雇主提供居所,则此软件的计算并不适用于你。

9.For a moment I considered it absurd that I should need such a weapon to gain admittance into my own residence.当时我认为需要这么一个武器才能进自己的家,那是荒谬的。

10."Where is the residence part? " asked Carrie, who did not take the tall five-story walls on either hand to be the abodes of famipes.“住宅区在哪里?”嘉莉问道,她以为街道两旁的那些五层楼不是住家的地方。