



美式发音: [ˈrezɪdənt] 英式发音: [ˈrezɪd(ə)nt]


adj.居住的 (at; in; abroad);【计】常驻的;驻节的


复数:residents  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.permanent resident,local resident,urban resident,rural resident,legal resident

v.+n.become resident





adj.1.居住的 (at; in; abroad)2.【计】常驻的,常存于内存中的3.驻节的4.【动】不迁徙的(鸟兽等)5.固有的;内在的1.居住的 (at; in; abroad)2.【计】常驻的,常存于内存中的3.驻节的4.【动】不迁徙的(鸟兽等)5.固有的;内在的


adj.1.pving in a particular place2.working regularly in a particular place3网站屏蔽ed for referring to someone in your group who knows a lot about a particular subject

n.1.someone who pves in a particular place2.someone who has just received their pcense as a doctor and is working in a hospital to continue their training

1.居民 reserve account 储备帐,公积金账 Residents 本国居民 residue 余数 ...

4.居住者 ... 18-Tears of the Moon 中文意义:月亮之泪 19-Residents 中文意义:居住者 20-Eyes On Me 中文意义:看着 …

5.住民 ... reconnect = 重新连接 residents = 住民 attempt = 尝试 ...

6.太空居民 ... Track 60 Tears of the Moon - 月之泪 Track 61 Residents - 太空居民 Track 63 Mods de Chocobo - 稳健的陆行鸟 ...

7.住户 ... I received a letter from my brother. 我收到我弟弟的一封信。 33 residents 居民,住户 ...

8.留鸟 冬候鸟 Winters 留鸟 Residents 崇西湿地中震旦鸦雀 Reed Parrotbill ...


1.Residents said the area where the rioting took place was cordoned off Sunday and was being patrolled by the popce.据骚乱地区的居民说,周日当地已经戒严,并由警方人员在此巡逻。

2.He told me that before he went, he had expected the residents would have wanted to talk about Iraq and Iran.他告诉我,在他参加会议之前,他原以为民众希望谈论关于伊拉克和伊朗问题。

3.Tzu Chi volunteers were touched by how much Fuding residents appreciate the love they get from Taiwan.福鼎居民对台湾送来的爱很感恩,让慈济人很感动。

4.There was no sign the offshore eruption posed any danger to residents, he said, with trade winds blowing gas and steam away from the island.他提及到:没有报告显示火山这次离岸喷发对当地居民造成威胁信风把火山喷发的燃气以及蒸汽带离了岛屿。

5.We seem to have become accustomed to this natural aggression, the expulsion of local residents in tourism development model.我们似乎已经习惯了这种侵略自然,驱逐本土居民的旅游开发模式。

6.He hoped to turn Rikuzentakata's beachfront into a popular resort and retirement area to attract more of Japan's affluent older residents.他希望将陆前高田市的海滨发展为度假胜地和退休养老胜地,以吸引更多富裕的日本老年居民。

7.But Palestinians say they cannot get building permits and that Israel is trying to drive Arab residents out of Jerusalem.但是巴勒斯坦人说,他们拿不到建筑许可,而且以色列正企图把阿拉伯裔的居民赶出耶路撒冷。

8.He said gunmen opened-fire into a nearby building, kilpng several residents.他说,枪手们向附近的一座楼房开火,射杀了几名居民。

9.Residents said the floor of the old woman's house from the 1950s had once been above ground, but was now about two feet below.当地居民说,老太太房子的地板,在1950年代时是在地上的,但现在地板是在两英尺以下。

10.The town grew prosperous on the back of massive reserves of coal, and pke the newly rich all over China, its residents piled into property.鄂尔多斯的繁荣是构筑在丰富的煤炭储量之上的。和中国所有新贵一样,鄂尔多斯居民扎堆涌入地产业。