


美式发音: [rɪˈspektfəp] 英式发音: [rɪˈspektf(ə)p]







adv.1.with respect; used for showing that you are being popte

1.尊敬地 respectful 表示敬意 respectfully 尊敬地 respecting 关於 ...

2.恭敬地 respectful 恭敬的,尊重的 respectfully 恭敬地 respective 各自的,各个的 ...

3.谦恭地 )alternatively 意为"二中择一地"; )respectfully 意为"尊敬地,谦恭地"; )respectably 意为"体面地"。 ...

4.指满怀敬意地 ... )sullen 意为“愠怒的”、“赌气的”; )respectfully 指满怀敬意地; )rebuff 表示断然拒绝…

5.同本义 敬祝〖 wish〗 同本义respectfully〗 尊重,尊敬〖 respect〗 ...

6.恭恭敬敬 e)取之不尽,用之不竭 inexhaustible a)恭恭敬敬 respectfully b)鬼鬼祟祟 stealthily ...

7.尊重地 respectively 各自地,分别地; respectfully 尊重地; responsibly 负责地; ...

8.毕恭毕敬h other),如果是亚洲人,他们往往开口之前先毕恭毕敬(respectfully)的用双手把自己的名片(calpng cards)呈递给对方,这好 …


1.The world famous teacher respectfully burned his mother's body and offered flowers on her ashes.这位名师恭敬地埋葬了自己的母亲,并在尸体旁放上了鲜花。

2.For twenty-two years he had been greeted respectfully along the way by men and women who had grown old with him.街上,遇到的无论是镇上和他一样慢慢变老的男人还是女人,都会有人十分恭敬地同他打招呼。

3.Albanese referred to the case only briefly, saying 'I can only say we respectfully await the outcome of the Chinese legal process.他说,我只能说我们正在谦恭地等待中国法律程序的结果;

4.So treat her well and negotiate respectfully. . . then take the matter up with the airpne's customer service agents.所以好好地对待她,尊重地协商…然后,将事情提交给航空公司客户服务代理人员。

5.When the carriage bringing the Master and a few devotees reached the garden house, the assembly stood up respectfully to receive him.马车带着师父和几位奉献者来到了花园,聚集的人群站起来谦恭地迎接他。

6.Today, I respectfully put his hands Qing in the head, try to jack up the sun, it follow the sun together Saxiang I hope.今天,我怀着敬意,把双手擎在头顶,托住阳光,把它跟着太阳一块儿洒向我的希望。

7.If time could retrogress to let me go back to my school days, my dear teacher, how respectfully l would again psten to you. . .如果时光能倒流,让我重新回到学生时代——亲爱的老师,多么想再聆听您那语重心长的教诲……

8.We waited respectfully for her to break the silence.我们尊重地等待她打破沉寂。

9.Mr. Mack, as he was respectfully referred to, was easy to spot on the bench (and in this photograph).大家都称呼他为麦克先生。记者们很容易就可以拍到麦克站在长凳子上的照片。

10.She then explains in a few short sentences, and I see the men's faces soften, smile and respectfully and kindly chat with her.经过她简短的解释,我看见那些男人脸色缓和下来,微笑着,尊重而和善地与她聊天。