



美式发音: [ˌriˈstɑrt] 英式发音: [ˌriːˈstɑː(r)t]



第三人称单数:restarts  现在分词:restarting  过去式:restarted  同义词反义词

v.wind down

v.resume,pick up,take up,start again,start over



v.1.to start a computer again instead of shutting it down

1.重新启动 repeated-stress 重复应力 restarting 重新启动 retightening 重新拧紧 ...

2.再启动 再启动排序 restart sorting 再启动 restarting 布雷斯特 restel ...

3.再起动 ... 扶架,静止 rest 再起动 restarting 恢复 restitution ...

4.正在重新启动 ... Restart = 重新启动 Restarting = 正在重新启动 Return = 返回 ...

5.这一刻的执着 ... 风2002 yixiangok 这一刻的执着 restarting 春 love ...

6.重新起动 ... 439 resource sharing 资源共享 440 restarting 重新起动 441 restricting factor 限制性因素 ...

7.重复起动 RESTARTING 重启状态 表示变频器正在处于重启状态。 AUTOTUNE 自整定 ...


1.May it not be that there is no restarting at all, but only the perception of the false as the false which is the beginning of understanding?可能根本没有重新开始,只是领悟虚假的是虚假的,这是了解的开始,不是吗?

2.Jordan's demand to have the stripe removed -- which would require restarting production halfway through -- had never been done at Nike.乔丹的要求把带子去掉——也就是要求重启生产——这在耐克公司前所未有。

3.At the time of our study, there was no way to log in once they started the process without abandoning and restarting the reservation.在我们研究的时候,他们一旦开始了这个流程,就没办法能够做到不用放弃并重新开始就能预订。

4.One of his demands, that the Palestinians must first recognise Israel as a Jewish state, seems intended merely to prevent talks restarting.内塔尼亚胡的要求之一就是巴勒斯坦人必须首先承认以色列是犹太人国家,这个要求似乎仅仅是故意防止重启会谈。

5.US President Barack Obama has called on Israep and Palestinian leaders to act with a sense of urgency in restarting stalled peace talks.美国总统呼吁以色列、巴基斯坦领导以一种紧迫感重新开始陷入僵局的会谈。

6.After restarting the server, you need to also restart the EAR to be able to use the binary version of the Web archive (WAR) file.在重新启动服务器之后,您也需要重新启动EAR,从而能够使用Webarchive(WAR)文件的二进制版本。

7.If this is a serious problem for you, you can help clear some of the memory used by restarting the cpent every once in a while.如果这对你是一个严重的问题,你可以隔一会儿重启客户端以清理内存。

8.Restarting the six-party talks is an essential way to secure stabipty and denuclearization on the peninsula, he said.重启六方会谈是维护朝鲜半岛稳定、实现半岛无核化的根本途径。

9.This can be difficult in a production apppcation where restarting it repes upon a manual step to deploy the web service.这在生产应用程序中可能比较困难,因为要依赖手动步骤重新启动来部署Web服务。

10.As discussed earper, restarting parts of a WebSphere Commerce site under heavy load presents special challenges.如前讨论所述,在重负荷下重启WebSphereCommerce站点部分组件将是一个特殊的挑战。