


美式发音: [rɪˈzʌlt] 英式发音: [rɪ'zʌlt]




复数:results  现在分词:resulting  过去式:resulted  搭配同义词

adj.+n.final result,same result,good result,direct result,Net result

v.+n.get result,produce result,achieve result,see result,obtain result

v.cause,bring about,give rise to,occasion,lead to



result显示所有例句n.由某事引起caused by sth

1.[c][u]~ (of sth)后果;结果a thing that is caused or produced because of sth else

She died as a result of her injuries.她因伤死亡。

The failure of the company was a direct result of bad management.公司倒闭的直接原因是经营不善。

He made one big mistake, and, as a result, lost his job.他犯了个大错,结果丢了工作。

The farm was flooded, with the result that most of the harvest was lost.农场被淹,收成损失了一大半。

The end result(= the final one) of her hard work was a place at medical school.她勤奋苦读,终于进了医学院。

This book is the result of 25 years of research.这本书是 25 年研究的结晶。

比赛;选举of game/election

2.[c]~ (of sth)结果(包括比分、得票、获胜者或当选者名单等)the final score or the name of the winner in a sports event, competition, election, etc.

They will announce the result of the vote tonight.今晚他们将宣布投票结果。

the election results选举结果

the football results足球比赛的结果

3.[c][ususing](informal)(尤指足球比赛的)胜利,胜局a victory or a success, especially in a game of football ( soccer )

We badly need to get a result from this match.这场比赛我们非赢不可。

考试of exam

4.[c][usupl]得分;成绩the mark/grade you get in an exam or in a number of exams

Have you had your results yet?你知道考试成绩了吗?

测试;研究of test/research

5.[c]~ (of sth)结果;成果the information that you get from a scientific test or piece of research

the result of an experiment实验结果


6.[pl]成功实现的事;成果;成效things that are achieved successfully

The project is beginning to show results.这项工程开始显出成效。

a coach who knows how to get results from his players善于调动队员获取成功的教练


1.[i]~ (from sth)(因…)发生;(随…)产生to happen because of sth else that happened first

job losses resulting from changes in production生产革新造成的失业

When water levels rise, flooding results.水位上升,就会发生洪水。

It was a large explosion and the resulting damage was extensive.爆炸相当剧烈,造成的破坏范围很大。


v.1.归结为,导致 (in)2.结果为 (in),由...而造成[产生] (from)

n.1.something that is caused directly by something else that has happened previously2.the final score, or the name of the winner of a sports event or election3.a piece of information that is obtained by examining, studying, or calculating something4.success that is achieved by your actions or efforts5.a financial document showing a companys performance during a particular period of time6.the grade that a student receives1.something that is caused directly by something else that has happened previously2.the final score, or the name of the winner of a sports event or election3.a piece of information that is obtained by examining, studying, or calculating something4.success that is achieved by your actions or efforts5.a financial document showing a companys performance during a particular period of time6.the grade that a student receives

v.1.to be caused directly by something that has happened previously

1.结果 high school (美)高中;(英)完全中学 result 结果,成果 active 活跃的,积极的 ...

3.成绩 King tips 盘王推介 Result 成绩 Upper plate 上盘 ...

4.效果 摹仿;师法〖 imitate〗 功效;效果;结果〖 effect;result;function〗 经验〖 experience〗 ...

5.成效 20 劳绩,功绩[ feat;achievement] 22 成效[ result;effect] (1)精巧,精致[ depcate] ...

6.结果如何都采 取了哪些行动(action) ,所采取行动的结果如何(result) . 通过这样四个步骤, 你基本可以控制整个面试的过程, 通过策略性 …

7.后果 ├effect 效果,(因)果 ├result (发展的)后果 ├outcome (最终的)结果 ...

8.计算结果 facing n. 衣服等的贴边, 饰面 result n. 结果, 成效, 计算结果 hombre n. 男人, 西班牙系的人 ...


1.Bank asset quapty is the pfepne of the bank, directly impacts the result of bank's operation.银行资产质量是银行的生命线,直接关乎银行经营的好坏。

2.Explains how to combine the results of two or more SELECT statements into a single result set.说明如何将两个或多个SELECT语句的结果组合成一个结果集。

3.This kind of situation was the result of classical poesy 's development. It was also the big change of the Qing Dynasty's poesy history.这一情形的出现,是古典诗歌长期发展的必然趋势,也是清代诗史自身的重要变化。

4.Nomi is still recovering from health issues that are the result of how polarity has pressed his dream towards extinction rather than pfe.Nomi仍在恢复健康中,那是极性将其梦想推入绝灭而不是生存的结果。

5.Say further, the article basically introduced the positive result of a few research that historical system analyses.进一步说,本文主要介绍了历史制度分析的一些研究成果。

6.The result shows that the proposed design method is simple, reasonable and easy to apply as compared with the conventional design methods.实例分析表明,本文所提出的设计方法比传统设计方法简单易行、结果合理。

7.As a result of this, free players lost out on a part of the event.造成的结果是,免费玩家在活动中有所损失。

8.The collapse of the Tacoma Narrows Bridge was the result of not considering the last of these factors. Tacoma Narrow.桥倒塌是由于没有考虑到这个因素中的最后一个。

9.Government websites security is the concept of a system, and the result of combined effect of many factors.政府网站安全是一个系统的概念,是诸多因素共同作用的结果。

10.over time the grief and sense of loss left and greater freedom and a higher vibration achieved in their evolution was the result.随着时间的过去,结果就是,在他们提升中悲痛与丧失感消失了,而更大的自由和更高的振动实现了。