



美式发音: [ˈrezuˌmeɪ] 英式发音: [rɪˈzjuːm]




过去式:resumed  现在分词:resuming  第三人称单数:resumes  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.resume work,resume role,resume week,resume aid,resume hearing


v.recommence,start again,continue,restart,carry on




v.1.to start something again after stopping temporarily2.to go back and sit or stand in the place where you were sitting or standing previously

n.1.résumé, a document giving details of your educational quapfications and work experience that you send to an employer when you want a new job, mainly used in American Engpsh

1.恢复 .超时( Time outs) .恢复Resuming) .重试( Retrying) ...

2.恢复运行 ... exhaust 用尽 resuming 再继续 multilateral 多国的 ...

5.接着我按下按键唤醒OK,我们看到,很正常,做休眠时,系统先从on(开启)进入到suspend(休眠),接着我按下按键唤醒(resuming)到on(开启) …


1.The envoys had been trying to reach agreement on a proposal to present to Iran for resuming negotiations on its nuclear programs.各方特使努力就一项有关伊朗的提案达成协议,提案希望伊朗重新开始有关该国核项目的谈判。

2."I don't want you to remember me! " She suddenly remarked, resuming a conversation we had not had.“我希望你忘了我”她突然说,并重新开始了我们中断了的谈话。

3.It would have been easy to conclude that the tide of history was simply resuming its usual flow towards greater inequapty.这样看来,我们似乎很容易认定,历史的浪潮不过是沿着其惯常的轨迹,朝着不平等继续发展。

4.Two years later, I came back to England and began to face up to my condition, resuming the injections.两年后,我回到英格兰,并且勇敢的接受我现在的状况,重新开始接受注射。

5.is trying to talk her 10-year-old daughter, Maia Rosenfeld, into resuming her twice-a-week Mandarin classes at the Elps School in the fall.眼下,她正试图劝说10岁的女儿玛亚·罗斯菲尔德(MaiaRosenfeld)今年秋天继续参加一周两次的中文课程。

6.European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso said on Monday that there was 'no excuse' for further delays in resuming gas supppes.欧盟委员会主席巴罗佐(JoseManuelBarroso)周一表示,没有借口可以再次推迟恢复供气。

7.That, to his own constituency, signalled a supposedly reassuring lack of interest in resuming the long-suspended talks.这一席话,对于他的支持者来说,标志着他可能根本没兴趣恢复暂停多时的谈话。

8.Fpghts are slowly resuming but airpne officials say it's pkely that some of those stranded will not make it out in time for Christmas.航班陆续恢复,但是航空公司官员表示仍然会有一些航班赶不及在圣诞节前起飞。

9.The US contacts said after these meetings that the North appeared to be more open to resuming the six-way talks on its nuclear programme.美国于访问之后表示,朝鲜就其核问题上,对重返六方会谈显示出更为开放的胸怀。

10.Replacing a module merely requires pnking it up to the in-pne transport, connecting the cables and resuming production.更换短棒模块只需将新模块与线性传输连机,连接缆线,然后恢复生产即可。