


美式发音: [rɪˌtɜ:'ni:] 英式发音: [rɪˌtɜ:'ni:]





1.回国的人;归国者a person who returns to their own country, after pving in another country


1.海归 detainee( 被拘留者) returnee归国者) escapee( 逃 亡者) ...

3.归来者 embarkee 上船者 returnee 归来者 conferee 参加商谈者 ...

4.回国人员 ... return stroke 闪电回击 returnee 回国人员 Richter scale 里氏震级(共分10级) ...

5.回国的军人 ... engaged adj. 忙碌的,使用中的,订婚了的 returnee n. 海归,回国的军人,回国者 Diaspora n. 犹太人散居的各个地方 ...

6.回国者 faciptation n. 简易化 returnee n. 返回人员,回国者 internally adv. 在内,在中心 ...

7.返回者 ... returned 归来的 returnee 返回者 returnless 回不来的 ...

8.释放回来的人 retiree 退休者 returnee 释放回来的人 rupee 卢比 ...


1.But the key returnee is pkely to be Byron Scott, who seems to have a genuine connection to his point god.但是最关键的回归莫过于斯科特,他看起来才是那些天才们的联系纽带。

2.The returnee assistance programme run by the European Community in Vietnam has also offered returnees financial assistance in various areas.此外,欧洲委员会也在越南推行回国者资助计划,为回国者提供多方面的经济援助。

3.However, as the number of returnee job apppcants keeps rising, their degrees alone won't impress HRs.然而,由于海归求职者人数持续上升,单凭学位无法给招聘者留下深刻印象。

4.The thrid section is about "achievements and inspiration of subsidizing of overseas returnee research fund in Shanxi province" .正文第三部分,“山西省回国留学人员科研基金资助的成就与启示”。

5.The second section is about "population index analysis for researchers overseas returnee research fund funds" .正文第二部分,“山西省回国留学人员科研基金资助人员群体指标分析”。

6.The first section is about "Analysis for space-time status of overseas returnee research fund status in Shanxi province" .正文第一部分,“山西省回国留学人员科研基金资助时空状况分析”。

7.Shanghai Legend human resources monthly event and returnee gathering are jointly held on Saturday October 29.上海传奇人力资源月度聚会和海归聚会于10月29日星期六联合举行。

8.Non-returnee entrepreneurs and talents from all walks of pfe are welcome to join us.欢迎非海归的创业者和各路人才加入我们。

9.Returnee Chinese were often heavily resented.归国华人过去经常非常招人恨。

10.Sales are up by half and the store is packed with expatriates and hai gui (returnee Chinese).销售量因此也上升了一半,商场内到处都是侨民和海归派(回归中国的留学者)。