




1.复仇者 Top Trainers 最佳教练 Revenger 复仇者 Ray of Spirit 光之精神 ...

2.复仇反击 爆头一击 Head Shot 复仇反击 Revenger 回头一击 Western Fire ...

3.金剑 1979 冷刀染红英雄血 Revenge of the shaopn master 1979 金剑 Revenger 1980 风流残剑血无痕 The mask of vengence ...

4.第一次赢任何鬼车 ... 战胜第1至50话对手 - Osaka Driver 第一次赢任何鬼车 - Revenger 连续打同一赛道五次以上 - Love The Sp…

5.铁胆恩仇 神偷侠侣 Shen tou xia nu 铁胆恩仇 Revenger 虎口鸳鸯 They Fought Shoulder to Shoulder ...

6.打笨头 好运到( BABANUKI) 打笨头( REVENGER) 打河马( HIPPO HIPPO) ...

7.自动反击 ... 转身爆头 Western Fire 自动反击 Revenger 死亡 左轮 Death by Revolver ...


1.And he that will not hear his words, which he shall speak in my name, I will be the revenger.若有人不听信他因我的名所说的话,我要亲自同他算账。

2.for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil.你若作恶,却当惧怕。因为他不是空空的佩剑。他是神的用人,是伸冤的,刑罚那作恶的。

3.In the Buddhism idea of six metempsychosis , preexistence hatred was achieved in the secular, while the revenger may change to some animals.在“六道轮回”的佛教理念中,前世仇怨可在今世雪报,而报仇的复仇主体可能转世为某种动物。