


美式发音: [ˈrevənju] 英式发音: [ˈrevənjuː]



复数:revenues  搭配同义词

v.+n.raise revenue,generate revenue,increase revenue,collect revenue,produce revenue

adj.+n.substantial revenue,yearly revenue



revenue显示所有例句n.— see alsoInland Revenue

1.财政收入;税收收入;收益the money that a government receives from taxes or that an organization, etc. receives from its business

a shortfall in tax revenue税收收入不足

a slump in oil revenues石油收入的下跌

The company's annual revenues rose by 30%.公司的年收入增加了 30%。


n.1.income from business activities or taxes

1.收入 3.所有者权益( Owner's Equity) 1.收入( Revenue) 2.费用( Expense) ...

2.税收 profit 利润;收益;营利 18. revenue 收益;税收;岁入 19. stock 公债;债券;股票 20. ...

3.收益 profit 利润;收益;营利 18. revenue 收益;岁入;税收 19. stock 公债;证券;股票 20. ...

4.岁入 ven 来+ revenue n 收入,岁入 avenue n 大路,道路(让人可以走来走去) ...

5.财政收入 crude adj. 粗糙,粗略的 revenue n. 财政收入 colleague n. 同事 ...

6.营收 revelation 揭示/表现 revenue 总收入 reward 奖赏;报酬 ...


1.Wal-Mart reported another poor quarter in America, with revenue dipping again from stores that have been open for at least a year.沃尔玛美国第四季度的(收益)报告再次惨淡,同店销售额(见注)有所下降。

2.Citigroup's third-quarter core revenue fell but the bank's earnings on Monday were better than expected and credit losses fell sharply.花旗集团(Citigroup)周一公布的季报显示,第三季度核心收入下降,但盈利好于预期,同时信贷亏损大幅下降。

3.Once used, recycpng of pallets can be turned into an income stream - significant revenue from recycpng is possible.一旦使用,托盘循环利用,可转化为收入来源-来自回收可观的收入是可能的。

4.The plan would appeal to Obama's Democratic base ahead of the 2012 election, but it's unclear how much revenue his plan would raise.计划将在2012年选举之前向奥巴马的民主党阵营呼吁,但是他的计划会提高多少财政收入还不清楚。

5.Government collects its revenue through the form of taxes, which is in turn used for the benefits of taxpayers.政府以税收的形式获得资金,这资金又反过来用于纳税人。

6.Wal-Mart has struggled with five straight quarters of decpnes in revenue at stores open at least a year.沃尔玛努力在与连续五个季度下降的收入奋斗,在开店至少一年的时间。

7.Revenue at Wal-Mart stores open at least a year, a key measurement of any retailer's health, has fallen for six straight quarters.开张一年以上的沃尔玛商店的收入,是衡量零售商健康的关键标准,已经连续六个月下降。

8.So far, Foursquare has no revenue, and the company is still developing its business model.目前,四方会还没有盈利,公司还在开发商业模型。

9.In the U. S. , DVD sales and cable distribution can account for up to half of a film's revenue.在美国,DVD销售和有线电视发行最高可以占到一部电影总收入的一半。

10.For this reason he did not declare the payments to the Revenue. He was minister for finance at the time.因为这个原因,他没有向税务局申报这笔款项。当时他任财政部长。