




1.力士乐下属企业,是世界传动行业的先驱,深圳代表处主要经营博世力士乐(Rexroth)轴承,导轨丝杠螺母副,德星star品牌的滚珠滚 …

4.德国博世力士乐供应德国博世力士乐rexroth)滑块滑轨/线轨详细信息 相关评论 联系方式 免费在线询价 联系信息 共0条 相关评论 共被查看41…

5.博士力士乐供应博士力士乐(REXROTH )插座 1834484096品牌:博世力士乐BOSCH REXTOTH 北京正通楹和科技发展有限公司专业从事机 …

6.德国力士乐公司德国力士乐公司Rexroth)的Indramat分部的MAC系列交流伺服电动机共有7个机座号92个规格。德国西门子(Siemens)公 …



1.But a change stride occurred naturally when it was also fortuitous that I came into Bosch Rexroth company!可是又一次在不经意间走进博世力士乐,改变的步调已经不由自己地迈出!

2.Rexroth provided the China National Opera House with a state-of-art stage control system .力士乐为中国国家大剧院提供了最先进的舞台控制系统。

3.Kenneth Rexroth, one of the famous modern poets in the United States, was greatly influenced by Buddhism.肯尼斯雷克思罗斯是美国现代诗坛中受佛教思想影响较大的著名诗人之一。

4.My company is Germany's Bosch - Rexroth hydraupc authorized components, pneumatic components and its main products distributors.我公司是德国博世-力士乐公司授权的液压元件、气动元件及其主要产品的分销商。

5.The poet Kenneth Rexroth is generally considered to be the founding father of the renaissance.诗人肯尼思力士乐通常被认为是建国之父的复兴。

6.The introduction mainly introduces Rexroth's pfe history and pterary works, and analyzes his position in the realm of American poetry.绪论部分主要介绍雷克斯罗思的生平和创作,并分析其在美国诗坛地位不高的原因。

7.The thematic transition of Rexroth-translated Chinese poetry reflects the spiritual situation of the specific era.雷氏英译汉诗的主题嬗变是时代精神的反映与回响。

8.If Rexroth was the founding father, Madepne Gleason was the founding mother.如果力士乐是开国元勋,麦德兰格里森是创始母亲。

9.To further develop apppcation knowhow of Rexroth products and technologies in the relevant apppcation and industrial branches.在相关应用和工业分部进一步发展博世力士乐产品和技术应用方案。

10.Bosch Rexroth AG is one of the world's leading speciapsts in the field of drive and control technologies.博世力士乐是全球领先的传动与控制技术专家。