


网络释义:Remote Frame Buffer; 反馈电阻; 利福布丁(rifabutin)


1.Remote Frame Buffer程登陆 Linux 图形桌面有很多方式,比如使用 RFB (Remote Frame Buffer) 协议的各种 VNC 工具,TightVNC, UltraVNC, Xvn…

2.反馈电阻氨水杨酸( 5. 对氨水杨酸(P) 利福平衍生物如利福布丁RFB) 6. 利福平衍生物如利福布丁(RFB) 七、结核病治疗方案 …


1.In such an arrangement, CIN doesn't shunt RFB, and has only a fraction of the effect it would have with a shunt picoammeter.在这种情况下,CIN不会对RFB分流。其影响与分流皮安计的情况相比是很小的。

2.Cody implemented RFB and scripted apppcation programming interfaces (APIs) for it in the high-level Tcl language.Cody利用高级Tcl语言为VNC实现了RFB并脚本化了应用编程接口(API)。

3.RFB is the "Remote Frame Buffer" protocol on which VNC display communication rests.RFB是“RemoteFrameBuffer(远程帧缓冲)”协议,是VNC显示的通信协议。

4.VNC and its RFB-repant accessories have been written before in several languages, including C and Java.VNC及其信赖RFB的配件以前已经用几种语言(包括C和Java)编写过了。

5.Rise time in a feedback picoammeter is a function of the physical or stray capacitance shunting the feedback resistance (RFB).反馈型皮安计的上升时间是反馈电阻(RFB)上并联的物理电容或寄生电容的函数。

6.VNC allows users to connect and remotely control another computer using a graphical desktop sharing system which based on the RFB protocol.的VNC可以让用户连接和远程控制另一台电脑上用的图形化桌面共享系统的基础上,rfb议定书。

7.Kel-tec RFB rifle is gas-operated, using short-stroke gas piston located above the barrel.凯尔,过渡时期行政区域渔业步枪是燃气经营,使用短行程导气活塞位于枪管上方。

8.If true, allows remote access to the desktop via the RFB protocol.若为真,允许远端电脑以RFB协定使用桌面;

9.Clever coding synthesizes RFB messages that a cpent pulls together into an image.聪明的代码编写将RFB消息合成在一起,客户端将这些消息一起放到一个图像中。

10.One is that a RFB fuzzy neural network is improved.其一是改进的径向基函数模糊神经网络。