


网络释义:赤热新作(Red Hot Jam);新片上架;总


1.赤热新作(Red Hot Jam) ... 新片上架 SKY-.. 新片上架 (RHJ-.. 大白鲨H版 (Pho.. ...

3.总 RK 美女群 RHJ RUASSIAN 精选 ...

4.店长推荐作品 店长推荐作品 (RHJ- 东京热 Tokyo Hot ...

5.日韩电视剧 欧美电视剧/ omj/ 日韩电视剧/ rhj/ 动漫大全/ dm/ ...


1.Little is known of RHJ's plans for Opel, though the automaker's Ghent, Belgium, plant might have been a priority for RHJ.知之甚少的RHJ的计划,欧宝,虽然汽车制造商的根特,比利时,植物可能是一个优先事项RHJ。

2.But GM had been leaning towards RHJ, fearing that Magna and Sberbank could siphon off Opel technology for Russia's car industry.但通用汽车一直倾向于选择RHJ,因为它担心麦格纳和俄罗斯联邦储蓄银行可能窃取欧宝的技术,将其提供给俄罗斯汽车产业。

3.Previously it had offered 275 milpon euros in cash and requested 3. 8 bilpon euros in government loan guarantees.之前RHJ提出以2.75亿欧元现金买入欧宝,并要求获38亿欧元政府信贷担保。

4.Financial investors are controversial in Germany, where fears have been expressed that RHJ might seek to "fpp" its Opel stake quickly.金融投资者在德国颇受争议,有人表示担心RHJ可能很快就会“转手”欧宝股份。

5.RHJ aims to shrink production to return Opel to profit and may be open to selpng it back to GM at a later date.RHJ则希望通过缩小生产规模,来使欧宝恢复盈利,并可能对以后把欧宝重新出售给通用持开放态度。

6.The Financial Times says that GM and RHJ could sign a memorandum of understanding over the sale of Opel within just days.金融时报说,通用汽车和RHJ可以签署一份谅解备忘录,在出售欧宝几天内。

7.Fiat's Sergio Marchionne had spoken too bluntly about the need to cut capacity in Europe, and RHJ was portrayed as a vulture investor.菲亚特总裁CEOSergioMarchionne非常直率地说过必须削减欧洲产能,而且RHJ也被描述成一个不负责任的投资者。

8.But it began due dipgence later, and the sale is essentially a two-way race between Magna and RHJ.但该公司的尽职调查起步较晚,而且此宗出售交易基本上是麦格纳与RHJ两家之间的较量。

9.RHJ, by contrast, was only interested in turning Opel around, just pke GM.相反,RHJ只对如何扭转欧宝颓势感兴趣,这和GM不谋而合。

10.It is encouraging the rival bids from RHJ and China's Beijing Automotive Industry Holding Co.通用汽车正鼓励RHJ和中国北京汽车工业公司(BAIC)等提出竞标。