


美式发音: [roʊn] 英式发音: [rəʊn]





1.隆河谈起隆河Rhone),识酒之人都知道这是法国第 3 大葡萄酒产地。往 Gletsch 镇,盘山而上,游走杉林之中、树隙之间,Urne…

2.罗纳河从罗纳河Rhone)向上,有索恩河(Saone),此河有许多其他中文译名:桑河、淞河、苏河、苏茵河、颂恩河、颂能河、萨 …

3.罗纳河谷罗纳河谷Rhone)是法国第二大AOC产区,一直想找个机会深入了解罗纳河谷,这次罗纳河谷的维德卡酒庄VIGNERONS DE …

4.罗讷河有人说,正是罗讷河(Rhone)的艳红长日带来了这里浑厚、饱满、浓烈的红葡萄酒。据考古表明,早在公元一世纪,随着罗马人 …

5.隆河谷n 效仿隆河谷(Rhone)风格混酿的歌海娜、西拉及幕尔韦度干红葡萄酒,拥有高雅的气质,泛出深紫色光泽;酒中花香四溢,蕴 …



1.Up to Brig, the Rhone is a torrent, and then becomes a great mountain river running southwest through a glacier valley.罗纳河水流湍急,至布里格后,它变成了一条浩瀚的山区河流,流经西南地区的冰川。

2.I had been told that it would lead me to the maker of the wine I had pked at lunchtime, a white C'tes-du-Rhone.据朋友们说,这条小路通往一家专门制造罗讷河白葡萄酒的酒窖,而这种白葡萄酒恰是我午餐时的最爱。

3.but , after we had taken in our cargo , the wind became contrary , so that we were four or five days without being able to enter the rhone.但当我们把货装好以后,风向却逆转了,以致于我们四五天都进不了罗纳河。

4.Moreover, with Jaboulet, plans are made to build smaller state-of-art wineries specifically with the diverse wines of the Rhone in mind.嘉伯乐酒园甚至计划建立一个高水准的小型酒厂用以生产罗讷河各种不同形式的葡萄酒。

5.Indeed, in every country, it is possible to drink some wines coming from Bordeaux, Burgundy or Cotes du Rhone.在世界各地,都可以饮用到从波尔多、勃艮第和罗讷河谷生产的红酒。

6.They work as an ensemble and also individually, producing each year vintages under our own labels as well as the one branded "Rhone Gang. "他们分工合作,统一管理,每一家酒庄的葡萄酒都各自打着自己的酒标,这些独自的标签和“罗纳帮”品牌一样具有知名度。

7.Description: With a dense and intense ruby colour, this classic wine is reminiscent of those from the Northern Rhone Valley.产品描述:明亮的红宝石色,不禁让人联想起来自北罗纳河谷的葡萄酒。

8.A lake on the Swiss-French border between the Alps and the Jura Mountains. It is traversed east to west by the Rhone River.日内瓦湖,莱蒙湖:瑞士和法国边界上的一个湖泊,位于阿尔卑斯山和侏罗山之间。被罗讷河从东至西横穿。

9.Rhone Resch, president and CEO of the Solar Energy Industries Association, praised Obama's speech.罗讷雷希,太阳能产业协会总裁,高度赞扬了奥巴马的讲话。

10.They are all branded with the mark "CDR" that certifies that the wine is indeed from the famous "Cote du Rhone" vineyards.桶上都有CDR的品牌标记,表明这些是产自著名的“罗纳河谷山坡地”的葡萄酒。