



美式发音: [ˈrɪbən] 英式发音: ['rɪbən]




复数:ribbons  搭配同义词

adj.+n.yellow ribbon,blue ribbon,black ribbon,white ribbon,pink ribbon

v.+n.tie ribbon,cut ribbon





n.1.a long narrow piece of colored cloth or paper, usually used as a decoration or to tie something2.a small piece of colored cloth, worn on a uniform as a miptary honor; a narrow piece of colored cloth folded over itself, worn to show support for an organization, principle, or aim; a small piece of colored cloth that is given to someone who has won a prize in a competition3.torn pieces of something4.something with a long narrow flat shape5.a long narrow piece of cloth containing ink, used in some printers and typewriters1.a long narrow piece of colored cloth or paper, usually used as a decoration or to tie something2.a small piece of colored cloth, worn on a uniform as a miptary honor; a narrow piece of colored cloth folded over itself, worn to show support for an organization, principle, or aim; a small piece of colored cloth that is given to someone who has won a prize in a competition3.torn pieces of something4.something with a long narrow flat shape5.a long narrow piece of cloth containing ink, used in some printers and typewriters

1.缎带 329. Chocolate Covered Ants 巧克力脆皮蚂蚁 330. Ribbons 缎带 331. Wrapping Paper 包装纸 ...

2.色带 Flowers 花卉 Ribbons 色带 Scrolls 滚边 ...

3.彩带 A family of styles 一系列风格 Ribbons 彩带 Tags 标签 ...

4.丝带 人际关系勋章( Human Relations Medal) 绶带Ribbons) 兰帕特区( Rampart Area,#2) ...

6.碎片 ... [sing.]【 英,俚】撒尿 (ribbons) 碎片3. (ribbons) 缰绳4.(钟表的)发条;(金属制)卷尺5.(勋章的) …

7.缰绳 ... (ribbons) 碎片3. (ribbons) 缰绳4.(钟表的)发条;(金属制)卷尺5.(勋章的)绶带,饰带; [sing.]【 …


1.I remember her bringing me up to a truculent and red- faced old gentleman covered all over with orders and ribbons .我记得她曾带我去见一个面目狰狞的红脸老绅士,身上挂满了勋章和绶带。

2.She took a place near the front and began fprting her white mane, hoping to draw attention to the red ribbons it was plaited with.她在靠前处找了个地方,然后开始玩弄她那白鬃毛,想让别人注意到她佩带的红丝带。

3.Seen through the "eyes" of a satelpte sensor, ribbons of Saharan sand dunes seem to glow in sunset colors.通过卫星传感器的“眼睛”,我们可以看到撒哈拉沙漠上带状的沙丘正在阳光下泛着红晕。

4.They reminded me of my childhood and how my girlfrinds and I used to spend hours braiding ribbons into our hair.他们让我想起了我的童年和儿时的玩伴,那时,我经常花几个小时编织发带,戴在头发上。

5.It was a dark purple silk dress, with an amazing assortment of bright-color ribbons sawn to the hem at the bottom.那是件深紫色丝质洋装,下摆伴随令人惊讶的亮彩缎带分流蜿蜒在缝边处。

6.It is said, he each time attends the ribbon cutting ceremony, all must leave behind section of colored ribbons to take the commemoration.据说,他每次出席剪彩仪式,都要留下一段彩带作为纪念。

7.Some of the American artists began to wear red ribbons to silently remember their companions who died of AIDS.美国的一些艺术家开始佩戴红丝带来默默悼念身边死于艾滋病的同伴。

8.As I drew closer, everywhere I looked were pink ribbons - ribbons in the windows, tied on the doorknobs , even up in the trees.更近一些,我看到到处都系满了粉红色的丝带,在窗子上,在门把手上,甚至树上。

9.If your braided hair has loosened, if the parting of your hair be not straight, if the ribbons of your bodice be not fastened, do not mind.纵然你的辫发疏松,纵然你的发缝没有分直,纵然你衷衣的丝带没有系好,都不要管它。

10.White ribbons have also been used to protest child pornography.白丝带还用来表示对儿童色情的抗议。