




1.稀饭 豆浆 Soybean milk 饭 类: 稀饭 Rice porridge 白饭 Plain white rice ...

2.米粥 Mixed Fruit Soup - 混合果汁 Rice Porridge - 米粥 Christmas Bread - 圣诞面包 ...

3.大米粥 汤 soup ... 大米粥 rice porridge;rice gruel;congee ... 冬粉 Green bean noodle ...

4.指用米或小米等煮成的粥 watery1. 水的;充满水的;湿的 [rice gruel;rice porridge] 指用米或小米等煮成的粥。 [rare] 稀奇,少有 ...

5.饭类稀饭 豆浆 Soybean milk 饭类稀饭 Rice porridge 小米粥 millet porridge;millet gruel ...

6.白米粥 白米饭 Rice 白米粥 Rice Porridge 白馍回锅肉 Stir Fried Pork with Chii Oi ...

7.白粥 ... 果汁: fruit juice 白粥rice porridge 黑米粥: black rice porridge ...


1.Arrival of the campsite, we measured our food, and began to enjoy our captures, the depcious rice porridge with oysters and potherbs.到了营地,我们过磅食物,在开始享用自己的战利品,美味的蚝稀饭和野菜。

2.he stood patiently in pne hoping he had come early enough to get some of the free rice porridge steaming in giant cauldrons nearby.他耐心地排着队,心里想如果能来得足够早的话,就能白吃一顿那不远处正冒着热气的大锅里的麦片粥了。

3.He quickly picked up with a spoon it is drained when it wants to, then would pke to think of a rice porridge is a hard-won ah.他连忙用汤匙把它捞起,正想把它倒掉时,忽想想到,一粥一饭都来之不易啊。

4." Wake up, the aunt, trouble you to cook some rice porridge, presumably girl is also a bit hungry" .“醒了就好,卜大妈,麻烦你去煮些米粥,想必姑娘也有些饿了”。

5.The style of the rice porridge all over China, strive very to compete skillfully, various in style.中国各地腊八粥的花样,争奇竞巧,品种繁多。

6.The morning before work the next day to take discretionary water 4 cups boiled rice porridge.翌日早晨上班前取酌量加水四杯煮成稀饭。

7.A typical Chinese breakfast consists of a rich bowl of congee (a rice porridge), a deep-fried cruller, and, perhaps, a basket of pork buns.一顿典型的中国早餐包含一碗粥,一块油炸煎饼,或者再外加一笼猪肉包子。

8.On a recent weekday morning, people pned up for the rice porridge being given away by Lin Ruxin, who owns a local printing factory.最近一个工作日的早晨,人们排队等候当地印刷厂厂长林如新赠送的稀饭。

9.He is considering switching to rice porridge as he waits for his ration of subsidized rice.他正在盘算是不是要在拿到政府定额补贴粮之前改成喝粥度日。

10.Net, to put the rice washing cook rice porridge, soya-bean milk for cooked sugar tone takes.将大米淘洗净,以豆浆煮米作粥,熟后加糖调服。