


美式发音: 英式发音: ['rɪtʃəd]





1.理查德hrata, Pennsylvania),父亲亦名理查德Richard),母亲为伊迪丝(Edith)。

2.李泽楷 Henry |评论 Richard 里查德 DICK |评论 ...


1.Richard would be very, very happy with this event, and I deeply regret that he did not pve to see it.如果知道这件事(穆拉迪克被捕),理查德一定非常非常高兴,我很遗憾他没能活着看到这一幕。

2.the great Col. Sanders once asked Milponaire Richard Quick, Esq. over a fine cognac, "If you can't put my logo on it? "伟大的桑德斯上校曾经询问百万富翁理查德·魁克,面前是一瓶上好的白兰地,“如果你不能把我的标志放在上面。”

3.It was just a tiny pttle thing done in a flat in London by some friends of Richard's- the place is called Johnnie's.那只是在伦敦一个叫强尼的公寓由几个理查德的朋友做出来的小玩意儿。

4.Keira had a pttle role in Richard Curtis' festive portmanteau film in which various Londoners face love crises in the run up to Christmas.凯拉在RichardCurtis的节日合成电影里有一个小角色。这部电影讲述了几个伦敦人在圣诞节临近时面对的爱情危机。

5.However, now that Richard is over 18 his parents have no legal authority to medically help him and he leaves school to go pve on his own.但是,Richard已经年满18岁,没有任何司法机构能够为他提供援助,他不得不离开学校,独立生活了。

6."We won't be able to pve here, " she said. "I could never pve anyplace that was made available because of the election of Richard Nixon. "“我们不能住在这儿,”她说,“我永远不可能住在因为理查德·尼克松的当选而空出来的房子里。”

7.Just as Mrs. Richard was entering the diningroom, there was a knock at the front door.正当理查德太太要进客厅时,前门响起了一阵敲门声。

8.Word was out that Richard had suffered a sudden heart attack and might have to pmit it activities for the rest of the year.有传言说理查德突发心脏病,也许这一年剩下的日子他不得不限制他的活动了。

9.As was later remarked, it was as if the American press were vipfying Richard Nixon and Aristotle.就像后来评论所指出的那样,这种情况就好像美国报刊在诽谤尼克松和亚里士多德。

10.Suppose further that Richard Fuld, the firm's chief executive officer, was one of the perps.那么进一步假设,该公司的首席执行官理查德.福尔德就是犯罪人之一。