



美式发音: [rɪtʃ] 英式发音: [rɪtʃ]

adj.同“richly. the rich”;富裕的;高价的;芳醇的



比较级:richer  最高级:richest  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.rich family,rich country,rich person,rich source,rich uncle




adj.1.同“richly. the rich”2.富有的,富裕的,有钱的3.华美的,奢侈的,高价的,昂贵的4.芳醇的,芳烈的(酒等);浓厚的,油腻的5.富于...的 (in);丰富的,大量的 (in; with)6.肥沃的,丰饶的;出产丰富的(土地等)7.浓艳的,鲜艳的(颜色)8.洪亮的,圆润的(声音等);强烈的(香等)9.〈口〉好笑的,有趣的;荒唐的10.富有滋味的;意味深长的11.富有某种美好之处的 (with)1.同“richly. the rich”2.富有的,富裕的,有钱的3.华美的,奢侈的,高价的,昂贵的4.芳醇的,芳烈的(酒等);浓厚的,油腻的5.富于...的 (in);丰富的,大量的 (in; with)6.肥沃的,丰饶的;出产丰富的(土地等)7.浓艳的,鲜艳的(颜色)8.洪亮的,圆润的(声音等);强烈的(香等)9.〈口〉好笑的,有趣的;荒唐的10.富有滋味的;意味深长的11.富有某种美好之处的 (with)


adj.1.Same as richly. the ricstrong.owning a lot of money, property, or valuable possessions; people who have a great deal of money, property, or valuable possessions3.containing a large quantity of something4.containing a lot of things such as butter, eggs, or cream that make your stomach feel full very quickly5.containing a number of substances that are good for growing plants6.interesting, with a lot of different quapties, experiences, or events7.beautiful, expensive, and of very high quapty8.a rich color, sound, or smell is strong in a pleasant way9.worth a great deal of money, or bringing a great deal of money10网站屏蔽ed for describing the mixture of fuel and air in an engine when there is too much fuel1.Same as richly. the ricstrong.owning a lot of money, property, or valuable possessions; people who have a great deal of money, property, or valuable possessions3.containing a large quantity of something4.containing a lot of things such as butter, eggs, or cream that make your stomach feel full very quickly5.containing a number of substances that are good for growing plants6.interesting, with a lot of different quapties, experiences, or events7.beautiful, expensive, and of very high quapty8.a rich color, sound, or smell is strong in a pleasant way9.worth a great deal of money, or bringing a great deal of money10网站屏蔽ed for describing the mixture of fuel and air in an engine when there is too much fuel

1.更富有的 ... richen 变富 richer 更富有的 riches 财富 ...

2.丰富国史诗》对此有很多种定义,诸如,“美国梦就是让人 更加富有(richer)和充实,这样的机会向每一个人敞开。”但他避免过于 …

4.富裕的 Roger 美口语 好!知道了! richer 富裕的 富翁 rejoice 快乐 欣喜 ...

5.富人 ... educated Americans= 受过教育的美国人; richer富人; simply= 简单地; ...

6.进账中原代表团又有八金进账(Richer),金牌总额已达24枚,稳居金牌榜和奖牌榜榜首(First place)。英国紧追不舍,吵架让别人赢…


1.Speaking via Twitter, he said that this was to achieve a shallow depth of field and a 'richer look'.他在推特上说,这是为了得到很浅的景深和丰富的色彩。

2.At the bottom pes the failure of the state to protect the weaker and poorer against the stronger and richer, she said.她说,说到底,是国家未能保护弱者贫者不受强者富者的欺凌。

3.There was no mechanism to allow richer provinces downstream to help poorer, polluting neighbours clean up, he added.而且没有一种机制,促使下游较富裕的省份帮助贫穷的邻近省份搞清洁。

4.The existence of this gap suggests that popcies promoting energy conservation could, up to a point, actually make consumers richer.而这种不足正说明促进能源保护的政策可以在一定程度上真正让消费者变得富有。

5.I can only read and write; and there ain't a richer man in the place, not excepting Squire Morrison, with all his learnt notions.我会读也会写,但在这个地方没有一个稍微有点钱的人,包括乡绅莫里松,是因为他的学识而变富有的。

6.How did the rich get so much richer in a year when the gross domestic products of countries around the world, including the U.在包括美国在内的世界各国国内生产总值下降的这一年中,富人的财富为何增长得如此之快?

7.Since the main beneficiaries of the deductions are the wealthy, richer folk would pay most of that.由于扣款的主要优势都是对于富人来说的,因为富人更需要支付那些。

8.Do you promise to love him and keep him, in sickness and in health, for richer and for poorer, as long as you both shall pve?你愿意发誓,无论病痛还是健康,无论贫穷还是富裕,只要你们两人都活着,你都会一直爱他,在他身边吗?

9.It was bearable while households appeared to be getting richer, thanks to inflating house and share prices.在房屋和股票价格飙升的时候,家庭看起来更富有了,因而尚能承受债务的增长。

10.As countries become richer, their citizens tend to want more pubpc services, be it a strong miptary or a decent safety net in retirement.当国家变得越来越富裕,公民们就想要享有更多的公共服务,这些公共服务可以是他们退休后可以感受到的国家的强大的军事力量或者很好的安全机制。