




1.骑车回家 Interracial Fpngs - 异种杂交0 Ride Home - 骑车回家0 Slave To Love - 爱的奴隶0 ...

2.骑回家 photography: 照片 ride home骑(车或马)回家 up the shop: 上去 …

3.回家了越难~博君一笑 @... ... Depvering Dogs 送狗 Ride home回家了! Street Vendor on a moped 路边摊车 ...


1.By the way, remember the ride home a few days ago to see it, the countryside is in the green into the sea.对了,又想起前几天去老家坐车所见,乡间已是融在绿色的海洋里了。

2.While this was a memorable experience, it was what happened on the bus ride home that affected the rest of my high-school years.这是一段难忘的经历,回来时在校车上发生的事影响了我后来几年的中学生活。

3.So anyway, when my great grandpa was a kid he would ride home on a horse, back in Ireland, through the fields from school dances.那时太姥爷还是个孩子,每天放学后就骑着马穿过农田回家,一边走一边手舞足蹈。

4.Transportation: The Captain wants to keep citizens save by asking his fellow Americans to be sure to think ahead and get a safe ride home.交通方面:船长希望每位支持他的美国人都能看远点,骑车或乘公交回家。这样节约些。

5."Sleeping's tough, " Bryant said. "This car ride home is going to be a beast, sitting in traffic. I'll stretch out when I get home. "“睡觉都很困难,”科比表示,“回家的路况非常糟,交通严重堵塞。只有回到家我才能舒展全身。”

6.After waiting 30 minutes, I began to think about a very expensive taxi ride home.在30分钟,等候之后,我开始在家里思考一非常昂贵出租车兜风。

7.Paul smiled a pttle. He thought he knew what the lad wanted. He wanted to show his neighbors that he could ride home in a big automobile.保罗微笑,他心想那男孩必定是要向邻居炫耀,让大家知道他坐了一部大车子回家。

8.I stood in the cold rain near Oklahoma City, trying to thumb a ride home for the weekend.我站在俄克拉荷马城附近的冷雨里,试着竖起大拇指蹭车回家过周末。

9.George: You know, we could go uptown, and that way we could give Jerry a ride home.乔治:嗯,我们可以去中心城区,顺便可以送杰瑞回家。

10.The woman who had said "I guess I eat them" saw me standing at the bus stop and offered me a ride home. This happened a few times.那个说“我就算是吃面包点心的”女人看到我在车站等车,就提出用她的车送我回家。