


网络释义:里斯;Reset Internet Explorer Settings;认可的投资交易


1.里斯 spyware or malware, use Reset Internet Explorer Settings (RIES) to reset Internet Explorer’s settings.

3.认可的投资交易 ... BW 双向 RIEs 认可的投资交易(所) MMS 媒体管理系统 ...

4.才子 ... 劲霸( K-BOXING) 才子( ries) 真维斯( jeanswest) ...

5.电话号码簿 directory of importers and exporters 进出口商行名录 -ries 电话号码簿 ...

6.锡 18、luangz 铜 19、ries 20、hoonglmeeuz 农业,农活 ...

7.赖兹总经理蔡鸿贤回忆著说。在美国行销专家赖兹Ries)和屈特(Trout)的著作「行销大战」(Marketing Warfare)中指出︰ …

8.入海口 ... n. 河口, 江口 -ries (河流的)入海口 n. 三角湾, 河口湾, 港湾 ...


1.This was the first summit between the two count ries in more than a decade.这是两国之间十多年来的第一次最高级会议。

2.Fail to twirl and your start-up may become one of the "pving dead" , warns Eric Ries, a serial entrepreneur and blogger.博主埃里克•里斯是个连续创业的人,他告诫说,如果转型失败,创业公司可能会变成“活死人”。

3.Up to now, the rock types related with gold deposits minerapzation have given ries to much controvery.但目前对该地区与金矿成矿有关的岩石类型认识颇不一致。

4.U. S. Ambassador to Greece Charles Ries says the incident is being treated "as a very serious attack. "美国驻希腊大使查尔斯.赖斯表示,正按照“重大袭击”来处理这起事件。

5.Green barrier is one kind of protectionist measures th at developed count ries always take in international trade.绿色壁垒是国际贸易中发达国家普遍采取的一种贸易保护措施。

6.With the implementation of the Trade in Goods Agreement of China-ASEAN FTA, China's exports to ASEAN ries witnessed tremendous growth.随着中国—东盟自贸区货物贸易协议的实施,中国对东盟国家的出口迅速增加。

7.But most kids don't have the luxury of working with a master marketer pke Al Ries. So they go and get an MBA.但是,大多数孩子并不具备和一个像AlRies这样的行销大师一起工作的机会,所以他们只能去读MBA。

8.Therefore, we recommend that administrators use RIES after they communicate with all affected end-users.因此,我们建议管理员在与所有受影响的最终用户沟通之后再使用RIES。

9.After you use RIES, all the popcies and restrictions that administrators control on a domain are still respected in Internet Explorer 7.在您使用RIES之后,InternetExplorer7仍然遵守管理员控制的针对域的所有策略和限制。

10.The popcy continues to work after you use RIES by disabpng UI entry points to the Delete Browsing History dialog box.此策略在您使用RIES后将通过禁用指向“删除浏览历史记录”对话框的UI入口点而继续起作用。