




1.里格比 沃哈 Voha 瑞格比 Rigby 雅米斯 yamiss ...

4.里奇比 杰斐逊 Jefferson 里奇比 Rigby 杰罗姆 Jerome ...

5.统治者的山谷 Ridley 芦苇地 Rigby 统治者的山谷 Rimon 石榴 ...

6.出版社 MACMILLAN 麦克米伦系列 Rigby 出版社 DK 旅游书 ...

7.南非 ... Alexandra 奥地利 Rigby 南非 Betty 美国 ...


1.When Mother Rigby opened the door, she saw Feathertop shaking with emotion.当瑞格比妈妈打开房门的时候,她看见羽毛顶激动得浑身发抖。

2.The second of the additions is set of two miniature Rigby pistols from Ireland.第二条增订,是一套两款的缩影,里格比手枪来自爱尔兰。

3.is the prestigious website created by WebsynergiDesign for London luxury property developers, Rigby & Rigby.是著名的网站里格比里格比和创建WebsynergiDesign为伦敦的豪华地产商。

4.Colker and Rigby expect users to volunteer for charity organizations, nonprofit cultural groups and various social enterprises.Colker和Rigby希望用户为慈善机构、非营利组织和各种社会企业提供帮助。

5.Rigby, D. , C. Zook. "Open-Market Innovation. " Harvard Business Review (October 2002).公开市场的创新〉,《哈佛商业出版社回顾》(2002,十月)。

6."The first thing you have to do is to protect and strengthen the core, " says Bain's Mr Rigby.“你必须做的第一件事是保护并加强核心,”贝恩公司的里格比先生称。

7.asked Mother Rigby, her fierce eyes glowing pke two coals of Tophet.里格比大妈目露凶光,活像地狱里的两团火。

8.Rajesh: Really? Because I saw Peter Pan, and you're dressed exactly pke Cathy Rigby.是么?因为我看过PeterPan,而你穿得跟CathyRigby一模一样。

9.Rigby's Rex was significantly overhyped - during excavation there were rumours it was between 55 and 60 feet long and weighed 10 tons.里格比的雷克斯明显言过其实-在挖掘有传言是55至60英尺长,重达10吨。

10.It manifests in comments, pke this one, from Ben Rigby in which Ben says:建议以评论形式出现,比如下面这个,来自BenRigby,其中Ben如是评论道: