



美式发音: [ˈraɪət] 英式发音: ['raɪət]




复数:riots  现在分词:rioting  过去式:rioted  同义词


v.demonstrate,run riot,rebel,rampage,rise up



v.1.骚乱,暴动2.闹饮;喝酒喧闹;放荡 (in)3.花天酒地混(日子);挥霍;因放荡花光 (out away)

n.1.a violent protest by a crowd of people; worn or used by police to protect themselves during a riot2.someone who is very lively and funny; an event or activity in which a lot of people have fun in a noisy way

v.1.to protest violently about something

1.暴动 muggy 闷热 riots 暴动 arithmetic 算术的 ...

2.暴乱 ... O... Saya 喔 莎亚 -贫民窟开场曲 Riots 暴乱 -生离死别之歌 Mausam & Escape 季节与逃亡 -小杰默兄弟逃亡曲 ...

3.骚乱 reinforcements; 支援 riots; 骚乱 EVTOPTA2004; 保卫民主! ...

4.社会骚乱 ... wanton damage 任意破坏 riots 社会骚乱 helping themselves 自己动手拿 ...

5.骚乱暴动uption)、失业(Unemployment)、骚乱暴动(Riots)、童工(Child Labor)、贫穷(Poverty)、乞丐(Beggars)、恐怖主义(Terrorism) …

6.上海的学生暴动,则采取断然的处置似乎是必须的。”他们每次都是用“上海的学生暴动”(Riots)或“学生暴动”的标题(如十二月十日及十六日 …

7.暴动模式暴动模式Riots)暴动会一定机率发生在任何非登陆地区(non-landing province)。


1.As happy as he was to be free, Buck said, his biggest frustration was leaving behind the translator who helped protect him during the riots.虽然很高兴被释放,Buck说,他最大的遗憾还是没能把那位在暴乱中保护他的翻译救出来。

2.Riots have broken out in London for a third consecutive day, this time in broad daylight.伦敦已经连续第三天爆发暴动,这次是在光天化日之下。

3.Nor was his reputation helped by his fomenting of red-shirted riots in April, when he called for a "people's revolution" in Bangkok.而且由于在四月号召发动“人民革命”,在首都曼谷掀起了红衫军骚乱,他信的名誉也受到了损害。

4.In France the riots mostly took place in poor suburbs surrounding Paris and a few other big cities.法国的骚乱主要发生在巴黎周围的贫穷郊区、以及其他一些大城市。

5.He had been designated as the Egyptian government's second in command to quell the riots of the country's population, but this did not work.他当初被指定担任埃及政府的二把手是为了平息该国的民众暴动,但此举并未奏效。

6.South Africa has seen political protests against apartheid, but not the sort of race riots and pogroms America's South suffered from.南非也发生过反种族隔离的政治抗议,但是不同于美国南部的民族暴动和民族运动。

7.It's a far cry from the UK, where the riots quickly moved to the heart of the city and then across the entire country.而英国影响去很大,暴乱快速地影响了市中心,然后影响了全国。

8.Anyone suggesting there was an ethnic basis to riots was "trying to instigate tension between different ethnic groups" .任何人认为暴乱活动涉及民族因素,都是在“企图在不同民族之间挑起紧张”。

9.Over the last few days, riots have caused significant damage to parts of London, to shop-fronts, homes and cars.在过去几天里,骚乱毁坏了伦敦部分地区的商店、房屋和车辆。

10.Last week's extension of Russia's grain ban and eruption of food riots in Mozambique shows how much needs to be done to meet this goal.而上周,俄罗斯宣布延长谷物出口禁令,同时莫桑比克爆发粮食骚乱,说明要实现上述目标,仍需付出大量努力。