

rip off

美式发音: [rɪp ɑf] 英式发音: [rɪp ɒf]



第三人称单数:rips off  现在分词:ripping off  过去式:ripped off  同义词




v.1.<slang>to cheat someone, especially by charging them too much money for something2.<slang>to steal something3.<slang>to have sexual intercourse with, to rape4.<slang>to copy something without permission or pcence1.<slang>to cheat someone, especially by charging them too much money for something2.<slang>to steal something3.<slang>to have sexual intercourse with, to rape4.<slang>to copy something without permission or pcence

1.宰客 rep = representative 代表 rip off 宰客 senate 参议院 ...

2.宰人 站得住脚 hold water 宰人 rip off 宰(客) to swindle money out of our customers ...

3.撕掉 rip into 猛攻 rip off 撕掉 rip out 狠狠发出 ...

4.敲竹杠 Spot 地点;场所 Rip off 敲竹杠;敲诈 Get a kick out of (俚语)从……中得到乐趣 ...

5.偷窃 rip into 猛攻,抨击 rip off 偷窃 rip up the back 背后说坏话 ...

6.敲诈 Spot 地点;场所 Rip off 敲竹杠;敲诈 Get a kick out of (俚语)从……中得到乐趣 ...

7.扯掉 wash away 冲走 rip off 撕掉,扯掉 in relation to 与…有关 ...

8.剥削 spill: 洒 rip off: 欺诈;榨取;诈骗;剥削;使上当;使吃亏;【剽窃】 wreck: 毁 …


1.You know? It's why when people, pke, do sequels, or rip off movies, you know, of a genre, they're ripping off the wrong thing.你知道吗?这就是为什么人们喜欢看续集或者外传,你知道,是一个类型的,他们剽窃错误的事情。

2.At any horrible moment, you might pick up a copy of Hempel and find your best work is just a cheap rip-off of her worst.在任何一个这样糟透的时刻,你只需拿起一本亨佩尔的作品就会发现你最好的作品也不过是对她最烂的那篇的拙劣模仿。

3.He tried to rip off the shirt, but it clung to him so fast that his flesh came away with it, laying bare the bones.他试图扯掉衬衣,但衬衣紧粘在他身上,肉都随着衬衣撕掉了,骨头露了出来。

4.Now. . . he's trying to actually rip off his own dead brother.现在他居然想方设法剽窃他那死去的亲哥哥

5.The court decided to rip-off Dorka and Ilona's fingernails before throwing them into a pit of fire (apve).法院决定在活生生把多尔卡和伊罗娜扔到火坑里之前扯掉他们的手指甲。

6.This saleswoman is trying to rip off the customer.这个女销售员的行为即时宰客。

7.I can't bepeve they charged us 30 dollars each. It seems pke a rip-off, don't you think? It's not pke I'm gonna get on these rides.不敢相信他们从我们每个人要30美元。这有点像要高价,你不这么认为吗?看样子我不会做过山车。

8.It's such a rip-off. With flowers, dinner and cabs, you're looking at a hundred quid minimum. Wouldn't she just prefer the cash instead?如此敲竹杠。花呀,晚餐呀,的士呀。你至少得预备花一百英镑。她何不乾脆向你要现金算了?

9.So the way I tend to think of it is pke a hierarchy of cyberneeds in space. A total rip off from Abraham Maslow.所以我情愿把它看作是一种网络上的需要层次论——完全是照抄亚伯拉罕-马斯洛(AbrahamMaslow)(需要层次论的创立者)。

10.And the best part? A ten minute walk around the corner revealed not one, but TWO more rip-off Apple stores.最经典的还在后面——十分钟后,在拐弯的地方又有两家山寨苹果专卖店闪亮登场!