

rise up

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1.上升 ... rise from one`s knees (由跪的姿势)站起来. rise-up n.上升 low-rise 低层的 ...

2.勃起 ... 15.alaska 阿拉斯加 已选中 12.rise-up 勃起 已选中 9.marine 海洋 已选中 ...

3.平面上掀 RISE-pne- 平面侧掀 RISE-up- 平面上掀 RISE-down- 平面下掀 ...

4.自由向上 ... rise leap up 升腾 RISE-UP 自由向上 Mountains Rise Straight Up 群山耸立 ...


1.At this point, return to the fantasy and let the feepng-state of appreciation or gratitude rise up again.这时,你就可以再次回到幻想当中,并且让赞赏或感恩的感受状态再次升起。

2.There will be many more of these events taking place pke a wave across the land as the people rise up and say 'enough is enough'.将会有更多此类的事件发生,好比一个浪潮跨越大陆,因为人民站了起来并且说道:“受够了”。

3.For this to be safe, scientists have to be sure the material could never leak out and contaminate water supppes or rise up to the surface.为了保证安全,科学家们必须确保这些物质决不可能泄漏出来,以至于污染水源或者升至地表。

4.We note that as you rise up in consciousness there has been a sudden jump in the number of people discovering they have psychic abipties.我们注意到你们意识的提高产生了一种突然的跳跃性,在一定数量的人群中发掘出了自己的精神能力。

5.But he knew their thoughts, and said to the man which had the withered hand, Rise up, and stand forth in the midst.耶稣却知道他们的意念。就对那枯乾一只手的人说,起来,站在当中。

6.One witness said he saw a fireball rise up into the air, another said he could see plumes of black smoke pouring into the night sky.一名目击者称,他看到了一个火球升上了天空;而另外一名目击者也说,他看到了夜空中升起了大块的浓烟。

7.Like this pttle vessel that would rise up to heaven were it not held down by ballast - bags of sand.就像这个小艇,如果不是由沙袋压着,它就可以升到天空。

8.Whether is easier, to say, Thy sins be forgiven thee; or to say, Rise up and walk?或说,你的罪赦了,或说,你起来行走,那一样容易呢。

9.Faced with imperiapst aggression, the people of that country have to rise up in armed struggle.面临帝国主义的侵略,那个国家的人民不得不拿起武器进行斗争。

10.There are moments when my whole mind and soul seem to rise up in rebelpon against what has happened.有时候,我好象一心一意的想挺身出来反抗那个过去的悲剧。