




1.风险偏好资产的风险 增加,他对这种资产的需求就会减少 风险偏好型(risk preference):愿意承担较大 的风险,以期获得异乎寻常的 …

7.风险承担偏好1. 管理阶层对风险承担偏好Risk Preference)的程度


1.Customers' risk preference is another factor that needs to be carefully taken into account in the operation.而顾客的风险偏好,也是商家在操作中需要认真考虑的因素。

2.None of the individual work-related variables were significantly related to risk preference.个人工作方面的变量与风险意愿没有显著的关联。

3.As a matter of fact, "hot money" is a superiorly quapty capital with high risk preference.其实,“热钱”是一种风险偏好很高的资本,十分优质的资本。

4.On the Bank Risk Preference.银行风险偏好初探。

5.When the bidding strategy is given, we need choose appropriate risk preference factor to balance the profits and risk.同时报价人员在进行决策时,仍需要注意选择适当的风险偏好因子而不应该采用冒进的方式,以实现利润及风险的有效结合。

6.In order to capture the investors' different risk preference in different market conditions, this paper introduces a switching risk measure.为了刻画投资者在股市牛熊阶段的不同风险偏好,本文引入了转换风险度量的风险度量方式。

7.Based on risk preference of partners in three-stage supply chain, the design of revenue-sharing contract was researched.研究三级供应链成员具有风险偏好的收益共享契约设计问题。

8.The industriapst that has innovation consciousness and risk preference is having crucial effect to the development of region economy.具有创新意识和风险偏好的企业家对区域经济的发展起着至关重要的作用。

9.Interest and Risk Preference Difference: an Economics Analysis on Mandated Financing and its Solution of Listed Companies利益与风险偏好差异:上市公司委托理财行为及对策的经济学分析

10.Life Insurance Company; Life Insurance Funds; Investment Proportion; Risk Preference Coefficient;寿险公司;寿险资金;投资比例;风险偏好系数;