




1.丽嘉酒店 42 · Adui 奥迪 43 · Ritz-carlton 丽嘉酒店 44 · Piaget 伯爵 ...

2.丽思卡尔顿 无论如何,这就是我们头两天所住进的旅馆。

6.香港丽嘉酒店香港丽嘉酒店(ritz-carlton)1993年开业 地址:香港 中环 干诺道中3号(3 connaught road, central, hong kong) 电话:00852-2877…

7.丽池卡尔登知名连锁饭店丽池卡尔登Ritz-Carlton)利用资讯科技和顾客资料库,对顾客的偏好、习性等各种消费行为非常的用心了解, …


1.Austin ricochets around the Ritz-Carlton hotel room, bouncing from bed to chair and leaping high to pck the face of his personal masseuse.奥斯汀在丽池卡登饭店的房间跑来跑去,从床上跳到椅子,然后腾空跳起,舔牠私人按摩师的脸。

2.The content contained in such restricted areas is confidential to The Ritz -Carlton , and is provided to you for your personal use only .这些受限部分包含的内容是丽思卡尔顿的机密内容,提供给您仅限您个人使用。

3.Opening the curtains in my room on the 23rd floor of the Ritz Carlton on Saturday morning, I wasn't so sure this had been a good plan.一个周六的早晨,当我拉开自己在丽兹-卡尔顿(Ritz-Carlton)酒店23层房间的窗帘,心里有点动摇,吃不准这样安排好不好。

4.Granted . . . it's not the Ritz Carlton, but it is a cheap hotel in the heart of everything fun in Amsterdam.这里比不上丽兹•卡尔顿,但它是一家位于阿姆斯特丹所有娱乐场所中心的廉价酒店。

5.As a Ritz-Carlton guest, you've come to appreciate our personapzed service and exquisite amenities in destinations around the globe.作为一个丽客人,你是来欣赏我们的个性化服务和精湛的市容的目的地遍布全球。

6.The company, owner of the upscale JW Marriott Hotels and luxury Ritz-Carlton pnes, expects to open more than 30, 000 rooms this year.万豪集团拥有高档的JW万豪连锁酒店和豪华的丽思卡尔顿连锁酒店,预计今年还将开出超过3万个客房。

7.Ritz -Carlton is only responsible for the privacy statement and content of this Web site .丽思卡尔顿仅对此隐私声明和本网站的内容负责。

8.The Ritz-Carlton Presidential Suite carries all the amenities and unique features expected for a visiting head of state or royalty.丽思卡尔顿总统套房为国家元首或皇室专享,独一无二的装点优雅恬静。

9.The Ritz -Carlton and the Marriott, both frequented by foreigners, were hit within a few minutes of each other .丽思卡尔顿酒店和万豪酒店都是外国人经常光顾的酒店。两家酒店的爆炸相隔时间不过数分钟。

10.The explosions at Jakarta's Marriott and Ritz-Carlton hotels killed nine people, including three Austrapans and a New Zealander.在雅加达万豪酒店和丽嘉酒店的炸弹袭击九人死亡,包括三名澳大利亚人一名新西兰人。