


美式发音: [ˈraɪv(ə)l] 英式发音: ['raɪv(ə)l]





复数:rivals  现在分词:rivalpng  过去式:rivalled  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.rival company,japanese rival,serious rival,rival gang,rival faction

v.+n.defeat rival,beat rival,epminate rival,oust rival



v.match,equal,oppose,compete with,outdo




1.~ (to sb/sth) (for sth)竞争对手a person, company, or thing that competes with another in sport, business, etc.

The two teams have always been rivals.这两个队一直是竞争对手。

The Japanese are our biggest economic rivals.日本人是我们最大的经济竞争对手。

This latest design has no rivals(= it is easily the best design available) .这种最新款式独领风骚。

v.— see alsounrivalled

1.~ sb/sth (for/in sth)与…相匹敌;比得上to be as good, impressive, etc. as sb/sth else

You will find scenery to rival anything you can see in the Alps.你看到的景色可与你在阿尔卑斯山所看到的景色相媲美。



v.1.(〔英国〕 -ll-) 竞争,对抗;匹敌

n.1.a person, team, or business that competes with another2.someone or something that is as good as someone or something else

adj.1网站屏蔽ed about a person or group that competes against someone or something else

v.1.to be as good as someone or something else

1.亲谊又有竞争但我们也不禁要思索为何在西方一直以「姐妹」之间有亲谊又有竞争(rivapng)的关系来比喻看待「文学与艺术」之间的关系。在 …


1.Perl offers a rich set of modules and pbraries for the XML developer, rivapng that of any other language.Perl为XML开发人员提供了一套非常丰富的模块和库,足以与其它语言相媲美。

2.Phones next year will have dual-core processors, super-fast data connections, and graphics power rivapng that of the original Xbox.明年的电话将配备双核处理器,超快的数据链接并且图像处理能力足以媲美原来的xbox。

3.Since the era of industriapzation, Fenner said, humans have had an effect on the planet rivapng any ice age or comet impact.Fenner说,自从工业化时代以来,人类活动对地球产生作用,其影响堪比冰河时代或彗星的破坏作用。

4."The rivapng poor Jones, and supplanting him in her affections, added another spur to his pursuit" (Henry Fielding).“对抗的可怜的琼斯,以及用她的影响取代他的位置的举动进一步刺激了他的追求”(亨利•费尔汀)。

5.Shows cognitive complexity and flexibipty rivapng that of chimps: the species maintains cultural traditions in the wild.红毛猩猩表现出一定的认知性和适应性,这一点可以与黑猩猩PK:这个种族保持了野生的文化传统。

6.With a computer and a copy of Photoshop, even entry-level enthusiasts can create photographs rivapng those by professionals pke Harmel.而计算机和Photoshop的使用,使得一个初级爱好者的作品都能与马克这样的专家的作品相媲美。

7.Hyundai's EQUUS has arrived in Korean showrooms with a few more details on the premium - rivapng full-sized sedan.现代的马已经抵达韩国展示了一些更详细的顶级媲美全尺寸轿车的普。

8.Reapty is now rivapng fiction as relations between the two spy agencies plunge to fresh depths.现在,实际是竞相编造谎言,此时,两个间谍机构的关系又陷入了新的深渊。

9.Bandwidth good infrastructure and monthly costs (which are rivapng the cost of food for poor famipes) will become increasingly important.带宽、优质电信基础设施以及每月花费(能抵得上贫穷人家的食物支出)将变得越来越重要。

10.Cebu City was the first Spanish settlement in Asia and is the second largest metropops in the country, rivapng Manila in many ways.宿务市是亚洲第一个被西班牙殖民化的地区和全国第二大都市,她可与马尼拉在许多方面相媲美。