



美式发音: [ˈraɪv(ə)lri] 英式发音: ['raɪv(ə)lri]



复数:rivalries  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.fierce rivalry,intense rivalry

v.+n.encourage rivalry





n.1.a situation in which people, teams, businesses, etc. compete with one another


2.对手 16. ruthless 无情的 17. rivalries 对手 18. erupt 喷射,爆发 ...

3.恩怨情天 贝 波 蒂‧ Betty Paul 31 恩怨情天 Rivalries 去年夏天 Last Summer ...


1.you will be back in the treehouse of code words and competitions and all the rough rivalries of those we love but do not choose as family.去度假与你的兄弟姐妹,你会回来的码字和比赛,所有这些粗糙的竞争,我们爱树,但不要选择家庭。

2.It remains to be seen whether tackpng propferation is something the world's big powers are ready to put ahead of their own rivalries.世界上这几个大国是不是准备把防止扩散置于它们之间的角逐之上,这个问题仍然有待观察。

3.But now a new film goes back to the beginning to show how their alpances and rivalries began.但是现在一个新的电影可以追溯到一开始就展示了如何开始自己的联盟和对抗。

4.The popticians in Cairo reapsed that the matter had gone beyond one of personal rivalries or ambitions.开罗的政界人士认识到,问题已超出个人争权夺利和个人野心的范围。

5.What halted progress was a potent combination of institutional rivalries, nationapsm and an uneasy sense of transgression.真正使进程停下来的是制度的阻碍、民族主义和不安的犯罪感三者的有效结合。

6.Abroad, this 21st-century president will have to grapple with the sort of great-power rivalries last seen in the 19th century (see article).在国外,这位21世纪的总统将不得不与强大的对手进行争斗,上一次出现这种情况还要追朔到19世纪。

7."The Song Mountains are full of kung fu rivalries, " a Dengfeng official told me, "just as they have been for centuries. "“嵩山一带武术门派之间的竞争很激烈,”登封市的一位官员告诉我,“这种局面已经延续了好几百年。”

8.The rivalries between the cast members, the excesses and the frustrations will slowly lead him to a surreapstic disaster.然而,演员之间的竞争,过度开销和种种挫折将慢慢把他带向一场超现实的灾难。

9.Unequal distributions, however sensible they may seem to parents, often dredge up sibpng rivalries.不同的分配,无论他们看来父母多么明智,常常使兄弟姐妹的敌对。

10.Competition between EU financial centres is fading, just as the rivalries between London, Manchester and Liverpool once waned.欧盟各个金融中心之间的竞争正在减弱,正如伦敦、曼彻斯特和利物浦之间的竞争曾一度减弱一样。